User Role Editor Pro version 4.28.1

User Role Editor Pro version 4.28.1 was published at August 22nd, 2016.

Changes list

Core version: 4.27.1

  • Update: There was a conflict with plugins which use a ‘/’ character at the custom user capabilities: e.g. vc_access_rules_backend_editor/disabled_ce_editor from Visual Composer.
  • Update: add/delete, escape, validate user capability code extracted from URE_Lib to the separate URE_Capability class

User Role Editor Pro version 4.28

User Role Editor Pro version 4.28 was published at August 19th, 2016.

Changes list

Core version: 4.27

  • New: Total/Granted counters were added to the capabilities groups titles.
  • New: “Columns” drop-down menu allows to change capabilities section layout to 1, 2 or 3 columns.
  • New: Capabilities section is limited in height and has independent scrollbar.
  • Update: User Role Editor form uses more available space on page.
  • Update: URE_Ajax_Processor class allows to differentiate required user permissions according to action submitted by user.
  • Update: Custom post type ID is converted to lower case when build post capability ID
  • Fix: CSS updated to exclude text overlapping at capabilities groups section when custom post type name is not fitted into 1 line.
  • Fix: required JavaScript files were not loaded at “Network Admin->Settings->User Role Editor” page.
  • Fix: “Notice: Undefined index … in wp-content/plugins/user-role-editor-pro/pro/includes/classes/meta-boxes.php on line 86” was produced when URE tried to block not active meta box.
  • Fix: class URE_Admin_Menu_URL_Allowed_Args produced PHP fatal error: “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM” at line 29 for PHP versions older 5.3. Compatible version of a code is used instead now.