User Role Editor free version 4.26

User Role Editor free version 4.26 was published at July, 14th. It’s available for download at WordPress plugins repository and for all unregistered visitors at the

List of changes included into version 4.26 comparing to a previous version 4.25.2 was published here.

Pro version 4.27 built on the top of free version 4.26 will be available for downloads next week.

User Role Editor (free) version 4.26 Beta 1

Development version 4.26 Beta 1 of User Role Editor (free) is available for testing from July, 7th, 2016. You should logout to get the Download page with a free version.
The major user interface update is included: user capabilities are grouped by their purpose and/or functionality. Welcome to take part in testing of refreshed and (we hope) more convenient user interface.

Read more User Role Editor (free) version 4.26 Beta 1

User Role Editor Pro version 4.26.1

User Role Editor version 4.26.1 was published at July, 6th, 2016. It’s a bug fix release. Thanks to the users who reported the bugs.

Changes List

Core version: 4.25.4

  • Fix: Admin menu access module: Posts sorting was not allowed for “block not selected” model. User was redirected to the dashboard when try to sort posts by title or date.
  • Fix: bbPress roles were missed from the list of roles available at User Role Editor.