User Role Editor Pro version 4.25.1

User Role Editor Pro version 4.25.1 was published at May, 19th, 2016. It’s mainly bug fix release.

Changes list

Core version: 4.25.3

  • Fix: Content View Restrictions module:
    – Compatibility provided with WordPress versions earlier 4.4, which do not send ‘post’ parameter to “get_{$adjacent}_post_where” filter.
    – Conflict was resolved with WPML plugin. It adds ‘p’ parameter to the queries for a single post.Titles of restricted posts were viewable for that reason.
  • Fix: Admin menu access module:
    – If the 1st submenu item was blocked, menu item was renamed and lost its submenu with not blocked menu items.
  • New: Content Edit Restrictions module: filter ure_restrict_edit_post_type was added. It allows to exclude some post type (you don’t wish to restrict) from this module action.

Assign another role instead of Customer used by WooCommerce

WooCommerce automatically assigns to a new registered user the “Customer” role. What to do if you wish assign another role instead of Customer used by WooCommerce?
Thanks to WooCommerce developer for the intensive use of WordPress filters. There is a special filter ‘woocommerce_new_customer_data’ which allows to change such new registered user attributes as: user_login, user_pass, user_email, role. Read more Assign another role instead of Customer used by WooCommerce

User Role Editor Pro version 4.24.6

User Role Editor Pro version 4.24.6 was published at April 15, 2016.

Changes list

Core version: 4.25.1

  • Fix: Selected role’s capabilities list was returned back to old after click “Update” button. It was showed correctly according to the recent updates just after additional page refresh.
  • Update: deprecated function get_current_user_info() call was replaced with wp_get_current_user().