User Role Editor Pro version 4.24.2

Version 4.24 contained critical bug in the ‘Posts View Access’ module which raised PHP fatal error. Quick fix release 4.24.1 did not address all problems of a new added and updated code. Code was refactored and tested thoroughly. Bug fix release 4.24.2 was published today as the result of 2 days hard work on the deep testing for almost all possible use cases. I hope that the most of possible bugs were caught for today.

User Role Editor Testing with PHPUnit
User Role Editor Testing with PHPUnit

It becomes more complex to maintain User Role Editor bugs free with code base permanent grow. We use the PHPUnit testing suite for User Role Editor, but it did not cover the 100% of User Role Editor functionality yet. It will be one of our main purposes for the nearest months to reach those 100%, of course with a new functionality development together.

User Role Editor Pro version 4.23.2

User Role Editor Pro version 4.23.2 was published at February 14th, 2016 and available for download and automatic update. This update includes 2 fixes for the “Admin menu access” add-on:

  • Core version: 4.23.3
  • Fix: Admin menu access add-on:
    1) It was not possible to block top level menu items when menu was reordered, by some plugin, like WooCommerce.
    2) Support for virtual ‘exist’ user capability was added. WordPress adds it automatically to every user.
    It was not possible to block ‘Visual Composer’ top level menu and its ‘About’ submenu item. These points are protected by ‘exist’ capability.