Remove admin bar from WordPress backend

How to remove admin bar from WordPress backend for the selected role?

Starting from version 4.21 User Role Editor allows you to create your own options for the roles and link the custom PHP code to them.
This feature realized via ure_role_additional_options filter.
Additional option ‘Hide admin bar’ included into User Role Editor by default works for the front-end only. Read more Remove admin bar from WordPress backend

User Role Editor Pro version 4.21.1

User Role Editor Pro version 4.21.1 is available for download and automatic updates since December 17th, 2015.

Changes List

  • Core version: 4.21.1
  • Fix: ‘Update’ button did not work at User’s Capabilities page due to confirmation dialog call error.
  • Fix: post custom fields ‘post_access_error_action’, ‘post_access_error_message’ are hidden now from the users without ‘ure_view_posts_access’ capability.
  • Update: German translation

User Role Editor Pro version 4.21

User Role Editor Pro version 4.21 is available for the download and automatic update.

Changes List

  • Core version: 4.21
  • It’s possible to switch off the update role confirmation (Settings – User Role Editor – General tab).
  • Standard confirm box before role update was replaced with custom one to exclude ‘Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs’ option in the Google Chrome browser.
  • Option “Show plugins/themes notices to admin only” was added.
  • “Additional options” section was added to the user role editor page. Currently it contains the only “Hide admin bar”. The list of options may be customized/extended by developers via “ure_role_additonal_options” filter (more details…).
  • “Meta Boxes Access” add-on allows to manage access for roles to meta boxes of editor (posts, pages, custom post types) and dashboard pages (more details…).
  • License key is checked in the real time after its input to help exclude input errors.
  • ‘ure_default_post_access_error_action’ filter added to allow modify default value for the post view access error action: 1 – 404 HTTP error or 2 – show error message
  • Fix: create_posts capability was lost for custom post types in spite of ‘activate create capability option’.
  • Fix: Content view restrictions: roles list is saved now for attachments.
  • Fix: Removed hard coded folder name (user-role-editor) from the used paths. User Role Editor Pro is hidden now from a user without permissions (administrator or ure_edit_roles), even if a user has access to the ‘activate_plugins’ capability.
  • Fix: Translation strings updated
  • German translation added