Why user loses edit post capabilities or IgnitionDeck Framework special feature

One of the User Role Editor plugin users asked me, why user loses edit posts capabilities assigned to him directly. The issue takes place on a regular basis.
You assign to the user ‘edit_posts’, ‘edit_published_posts’ capabilities with other post’s related capabilities together. But after login and opening ‘Posts’ menu item that user loses his access to the ‘Posts’ menu. If you check his user capabilities after that you will see that he lost all edit post capabilities somehow. Read more Why user loses edit post capabilities or IgnitionDeck Framework special feature

User Role Editor Pro version 4.18.5

User Role Editor Pro version 4.18.5 was published at June 14, 2015. This update includes:

  • It is possible to input license code to the wp-config.php now. Add this line:
    define(URE_LICENSE_KEY, 'your-license-key-here');
  • Users uncomfortable with wp-config.php editing may still input license code at “Settings->User Role Editor->General” tab.

  • License code saved at the “Settings->User Role Editor->General” tab is not removed anymore after change of site absolute path, host or database name.
  • Bug was fixed: “Network Update” did not work at FireFox due to JavaScript bug.
  • PHP notice was removed. It was shown at the Plugins page, when an update to the URE Pro was available.

User Role Editor Pro version 4.18.4

User Role Editor Pro version 4.18.4 was published at May 28th, 2015.

The list of changes

  • Bug fix: Edit posts/pages restrictions add-on: Now user can not edit prohibited post/page manually inserting its ID to the edit URL.
  • Admin menu access add-on: ‘Customize’ menu item is available now for non-English WordPress default languages too.

User Role Editor Pro version 4.18.3

User Role Editor Pro version 4.18.3 was published at May 6th, 2015.
The list of changes:

  • Bug fix for “Admin menu access” add-on: direct access to the wp-admin/customize.php link (Appearance->Customize menu item) was not blocked properly.
    As additional security measure “Welcome” panel is removed for the role with access restriction to the “Customize” admin menu item.