WordPress User Levels were deprecated just partially

Do you remember what are the WordPress user levels? If you don’t, then read this “User Levels” article at the WordPress Codex. As you may noted, at the begin of the article author says that user levels were finally deprecated in WordPress 3.0. Is it the full true? It is not, at least for the moment I write this post or saying in terms of WordPress versions, WordPress 3.8 still partially uses user levels.

I discovered that searching the answer for “User Role Editor”‘s user support request. User alby54 complains there, that when he tries to change the author of the post, he does not see users with new custom role assigned at the “Authors” dropdown list menu. Read more WordPress User Levels were deprecated just partially

Add secondary role to the new registered user

User Role Editor allows to assign multiple roles per user. What if you need that new registered users get multiple roles by default just after their registration?
For the time being you may do it with this piece of code included into your active theme functions.php file:

add_action( 'user_register', 'add_secondary_role', 10, 1 );

function add_secondary_role( $user_id ) {
    $user = get_user_by('id', $user_id);


The code above adds to every new registered user the secondary role ‘screen_reader’ in addition to the default role ‘subscriber’ added by WordPress itself.

It works, but what will be when you switch to the other theme? Yes, it will stop working until you will not duplicate the code at new active theme functions.php file. If you change blog theme periodically or if you work with multi-site WordPress installation you may need more universal decision. With “multi-site” in mind we should use modified code:

if (is_multisite()) {
    add_action( 'wpmu_activate_user', 'add_secondary_role', 10, 1 );
} else {
    add_action( 'user_register', 'add_secondary_role', 10, 1 );
function add_secondary_role( $user_id ) {
    $user = get_user_by('id', $user_id);

It works universally now as for single-site, as for multi-site WordPress installations. In order to not insert this code into every theme from themes poole which your subsites use, we may apply it another way.

WordPress has a convenient feature called “must-use” plugins. How does it work?

Create folder wp-content/mu-plugins, place there file with ‘.php’ extension and some PHP code inside. That’s it. This code will be executed by WordPress for every page request. There is no need to activate it. And it can not be deactivated with WordPress administrator interface.
So, create PHP file, for example must-use.php, insert code you see below into that file:

if (is_multisite()) {
    add_action( 'wpmu_activate_user', 'add_secondary_role', 10, 1 );
} else {
    add_action( 'user_register', 'add_secondary_role', 10, 1 );
function add_secondary_role( $user_id ) {
    $user = get_user_by('id', $user_id);

Do not forget to add he required ‘<?php’ tag at the 1st line. Put must-use.php file into wp-content/mu-plugins folder. You did it.

P.S. I included this feature (multiple default roles) to my development plan. So it will appear as an option at the “User Role Editor Pro” soon.

Unlock Smart Manager for WooCommerce Shop Manager

In this post we will talk about how to unlock free version of Smart Manager for WooCommerce Shop Manager user.

If you ever used Smart Manager for e-Commerce WordPress plugin with WooCommerce e-shop, you may asked the question:
– Why WooCommerce super-user with ShopManager role does not see “Smart Manager” menu item under the “Products” menu?

For some reasons the free version of “Smart Manager” is available for the user with “Administrator” role only. But Pro version of “Smart Manager” has the user interface to configure what other WordPress roles are allowed to work with “Smart Manager”. So if you wish to use the full functionality of the “Smart Manager” consider to buy Pro version.
What to do if you wish to stay with free version of “Smart Manager”, but need make it available to the users without “Administrator” role? Is it possible to make free version of “Smart Manager” available for other user roles without changing its source code? Read more Unlock Smart Manager for WooCommerce Shop Manager

User Role Editor Pro version 4.8

User Role Editor Pro version 4.8 is available for download.
The list of updates includes:

  • Role ID validation rule was added to prohibit numeric role ID – WordPress does not support them.
  • HTML markup was updated to provide compatibility with upcoming WordPress 3.8 new administrator backend theme MP6.
  • It is possible to manage access of single sites administrators to the selected user capabilities and Add/Delete role operations inside User Role Editor.
  • Shortcode [user_role_editor roles=”none”]text for not logged in users[/user_role_editor] is available.
  • Other shortcode enclosed inside “user_role_editor” shortcode are processed recursively.
  • Gravity Forms available at “Export Entries”, “Export Forms” pages is under URE access restriction now, if such one was set for the user.
  • Gravity Forms import could be set under “gravityforms_import” user capability control.
  • Option was added to show/hide help links (question signs) near the capabilities from single site administrators.
  • Plugin “Options” page was divided into sections (tabs): General, Multisite, About.
  • Author’s information box was removed from URE plugin page.
  • Restore previous blog ‘switch_to_blog($old_blog_id)’ call was replaced to ‘restore_current_blog()’ where it is possible to provide better compatibility with WordPress API.
  • After use ‘switch_to_blog()’ in cycle, URE clears ‘_wp_switched_stack’ global variable directly instead of call ‘restore_current_blog()’ inside the cycle to work faster.