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Thx for the fast answer!
Admin Menu Editor security log
Current user can edit the admin menu.
Current URL: “”
The current menu item is “Menu Editor Pro”, menu template ID: “options-general.php>menu_editor”
Figuring out what capability the user will need to access this item…
Checking “Menu Editor Pro” permissions:
– No custom permissions for the “sCope” username.
– The current user is not a Super Admin, or this is not a Multisite install.
– Current user’s role: administrator, bbp_keymaster
– No custom permissions for the “administrator” role.
– No custom permissions for the “bbp_keymaster” role.
– There are no custom permissions for the current user or any of their roles.
– Checking the default required capability: manage_options
+ The current user HAS the “manage_options” capability.
= Result: ALLOW
Skipping a “manage_options” capability check because we’ve already determined that the current user should have access.
No “extra capability” set.
Final capability setting: manage_options
The current user has the “manage_options” capability.
ALLOW access.