Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums Bug Reports Multistie: Brand new user doesn't get other roles. Reply To: Multistie: Brand new user doesn't get other roles.


No response? I guess I need to provide with some details:

I run WordPress subdir multisite installation with version 5.0.3 and PHP 7.3.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to any subsite and go to “Add New” under “Users”.
  2. For “Add New User” form, fill username, email and set “Role” to subscriber. Leave “Skip Confirmation Email” unchecked. Set at least one “Other Roles”
  3. Click “Add New User”, wait for the email and activate the account
  4. Check the user account, that account will only have the subscriber role

If however you have checked “Skip Confirmation Email”, then the account gets the roles from “Other Roles”.