Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums Bug Reports Adding capabilies are not saved on user group


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  • #8127

    Hello there,

    I am trying to create a user role that will have the ability to approve, unapproved users + other roles.

    When adding capabilities to the user group, after reloading the page, the changes are not saved.
    I have tried to duplicate admin and manage the access from Admin Menu but this didn’t work either.

    Can you please advise me n how should I grant access to that specific user role to approve users?

    Kind regards



    There would be 2 possible problems:
    1) Changes are not saved to any role due to JavaScript error. Check the browser JavaScript console if it contains error messages after “Users->User Role Editor” page opening or after click on the “Update” button.
    2) Role which you try to change is re-created by some plugin on a fly for every user requests. You may test this deactivating temporally all plugins except URE and update a role again.

    What case is yours?


    Hello there,

    I do have an 404 referring to a server response error after loading the page.
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () |

    We do not have any other errors after the Update.
    I have create a new User Group with no assignments on restrictions and it seems that can not be edited as well. Also, I have uploaded the plugin once again and tried to downgrade it on previous versions but the issue persists.

    Kind regards


    Hello there,

    I have create a staging to troubleshoot the website and I have found that when i have enabled only the plugin “Ele Custom Skin” the saved user permmission on the user roles are not saved.
    I am waiting for the cache to clear. After the cache is cleared the permission are missing
    Please see the video here ->

    Kind regards


    Hello Vladimir,

    As I have informed you on y previous reply, this is an incapability of the two plugins.
    Can you please advice me on how can I fix this?

    Kind regards


    Hello Vladimir,

    I have enable health check on the website and I am testing the plugin with default theme Twenty Nineteen and no other plugins and I have issues with updating the permissions on all of the websites I am using the User Role Editor. Have this been reported before?

    Kind regards


    Hello Vladimir,

    Hope this email finds you well.

    Do we have any update on how to fix the issue we are facing on our websites? Is there any other way to create user groups and grant access to them? What we actually want to do is to grant access on a mid-level admin to approve users on the backend. At the moment we have grand full access to our client and they have access to core functionalities.

    Thank you in advance.

    Kind regards

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