Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums Bug Reports Can't Edit Roles via Subsite

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  • #1881

    I don’t see other quick solution. I doubt that similar problem is wide enough to take this specific configuration into account for starting URE’s global code refactoring.
    Moreover, it could be resolved by changing WordPress settings.

    Removing extra redirection for every page request for the live site is a quite better choice for its health/speed/SEO. It may cost to spend some time to resolve a possible problem with data preparing for the dev/stage copies in order to get such enhancement.


    I understand what your saying.

    In terms of the redirects, the htaccess already rewrites it all. I already get 93 and under 3 sec load on oranamodels.

    I did find a difference with my old site that fixes it thou. I turned on the option in domain mapping, that redirects all admin pages back to the original domain instead of using the mapped domain.

    Setting this for me is a much better solution.

    It may not be a widespread issue right now, but I think as more people start using dev and staging sites for workflow it will become more of an issue in future.

    Thanks for the help in finding the issue. I can now continue with getting customers access.

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