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  • #4622

    For the last year or so, we’ve been using WordPress Download Manager Pro to deliver files to our users. We have been using User Role Editor to create custom roles that we use to segment what files we make available to which users.

    Here’s how it works…

    1. A user registers via a WPDM form
    2. They are added as a “subscriber’ by default
    3. We manually assign them a custom role (military, first responder, etc…)
    4. When we add new software via WPDM we set the access based on those roles
    5. When a user with the role “military” logins in, they see the files made available to “military.”

    It was working great, until recently.

    We just noticed that subscribers are seeing files that they should not be able to.

    Have you had any of reports of this?


    Let me know if and what access you would need to investigate?


    Please disregard. I figured out the issue and it was nothing to do with your plugin. Thanks.


    OK. Thanks for lettings me know.


    I don’t understand how to restrict access to only some folder of WDM PRO by means of User Role Editor Pro
    Could you help me?
    Thanks a lot

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