Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums How to or FAQ Create a user/role that can only add/edit users

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  • #3474

    How can I create a user/role in multisite (maybe super admin) that can only add/edit users?
    The user/role need to have access to all subsites but he can only add/edit users.



    1) network activate URE;
    2) turn ON ‘Allow non super administrators to create, edit, and delete users’ option at ‘Network admin->Settings->User Role Editor->Multisite’ tab;
    3) create new role, e.g. user_manager, at the main site via ‘Network Admin->Users->User Role Editor’;
    4) add to it these capabilities: read, list_users, create_users, edit_users, delete users, promote_users, remove_users.
    5) click ‘Update Network’ button to replicate this role to all subsites of your network.
    6) assign this role to a user via ‘Network Admin->Users’: click ‘Capabilities’ under selected user row.
    7) add this user with permissions granted together to all subsites of a network – click ‘Update Network’.

    You need to repeat the replication steps (Update Network) for role and user after a new subsites was added.


    Thank you!
    Is there any API or PHP function for the replication? “Update Network” or “Update all sites”?


    There is no public API or PHP function currently.
    If you wish to build it yourself you can start from URE_Lib::wp_api_network_roles_update(), located at includes/classes/ure-lib.php.

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