Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums Bug Reports Custom Role is Not Saving Changes

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  • #8705

    I created a custom role some time back. I recently tried to add more capabilities to the role and when I save changes the changes appear to save even on a test login. But, when a client tries to log in, they still cannot view what I gave them access to. When I log back in and look at the assigned capabilities for that role, they are no longer saved.


    If it is possible to get admin access to this site for testing (development copy is preferred), send site URL and admin user credentials, test role ID to support [at-sign]


    I just sent the login credentials to https://***.com/wp-admin/.
    The role is BBTC Admin. I had created a copy of the Admin role and then was using the Admin Menu option to toggle menu items on/off.

    The capabilities that are not saving are all the “Rm” options.



    1st, “Admin menu access blocking” is not replacement to the initial user permissions. I recommend 1st revoke from a role all capabilities which are not needed. And block rest unneeded admin menu items using “Admin menu” only after that.

    For example, it’s quite better to revoke from a role all ‘strong_testimonials_’ capabilities. It will automatically makes unneeded ‘Testimonials’ submenu items unavailable.

    Btw., I see that you correctly revoked from ‘BBTC Admin’ role ‘rm_’ capabities. It’s right.

    What admin menu items selection are not saved when you try to select them in the “Admin menu” dialog?


    I understand what you are saying about “best practices”. However, I find many times capabilities are shared over several plugins.

    The revoked capabilities from the ‘BBTC Admin’ role are actually what I am trying to grant permission to. I grant the permissions, save, test, and when the client logs in they are gone.

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