Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums Bug Reports Custom taxonomy not working when URE Pro active

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  • #8716
    [email protected]

    Hi, I have a custom post type (Project) with a custom taxonomy (Quadrant) that’s worked for years, but recently we find that the taxonomy can’t be used anymore. The Quadrant metabox shows on the Project edit screen, but any existing terms don’t have the X to remove them, and there’s no input field at add more. So we can’t add Quadrant terms to Projects, or remove them.

    I deactivated plugins one by one and User Role Editor Pro being active is triggering this behavior. The custom taxonomy works if I switch over to the free version of URE, it’s only the Pro version that causes this bug.

    Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

    [email protected]

    Okay, it started working again for no reason? So never mind I guess 🙂

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