I have created a shop manager role but now I notice that he lose the capability to duplicate products. I do not find that capability in the list.
What should I do to make the shop manager able to duplicate a product?
WooCommerce by default uses ‘manage_woocommerce’ capability for ‘Duplicate’ link under products. It’s possible to replace it with something other using provide custom filter ‘woocommerce_duplicate_product_capability’, like this:
Hi Vladimir,
what is the place to add this code filter?
Because when I try to add capability only have the option to add title and not places to add for code.
can you please help me to find a place to add this code?
Hello again Vladimir,
Thank you for your help and I did fix my issue with the Duplicate product capability, but I have the same issue with(Add New product capability) and can not find this capability separately on the capability list. if I check (manage_woocommerce) then New product it is shows up for the user on the backend but I don’t want to check this capability please let me know how I can add this capability separately like the duplicate product?
Thank you.