Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums Give user access to plugin – how to Give access to custom plugin, some directions to search in.


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  • #8684
    [email protected]


    I am trying to give a customer access to a custom plugin. Searching for it I couldn’t find something that helped me. Can you give me some direction to search in? I have a pro license.




    Hi Marco,

    If you need grant access to some admin menu items, you can find required user capabilities using “Admin menu access” addon:

    Block WordPress Admin Menu Items

    Open “Admin menu” for the ‘Administrator’ role, find needed menu item and look to the ‘User Capability’ column. Then grant required capability to a role, granted to that user.

    [email protected]

    Thanks Vladimir. I think that solved the problem.

    [email protected]

    Hi Vladimir,
    I couldn’t get it to work :-(. When I clicked on the URL parameters white list I could see the plugin but I don’t know what kind of Arguments I have to add here. From the URL came “page”. Here is what I am talking about Can you help me with that?


    [email protected]

    Hi Vladimir,
    I still need your help. I have problems now with other users. One user lost her ability to see the orders since I have activated the menu access module (or did woocommerce have a big update?). Deactivating it didn’t help. I don’t see the woocommerce/orders in the menu anymore but they can go to the page /wc-orders.
    I understand now that the module is giving the oppertunity to hide menu items. But like I wrote before, how do I use the arguments? Where can I find those? What do they do? It feels like I dived into a never ending story. How can I restore the setting s from before the module activation?
    So back to the first problem, showing the custom plugin. Can you take a look for me?


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