Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums Bug Reports Multisite – Capabilities reset when restricting access to a plugin

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  • #8805

    On a multisite setup, when we try to restrict access to a plugin following the instructions:

    It works but it also wipes the capabilities out for that user group and we have to reset those anytime we make an update to the plugin access piece.

    This only seems to happen at the network level in the admin, if we go into a single site and make the change the capabilities are not modified.

    Any ideas on what could be causing this? Thanks in advance!


    Take into account that when you click “Update Network” at “Network Admin->Users->User Role Editor” URE overwrites user roles and add-ons settings data made for those roles for all subsites with user roles and add-ons settings data taken from the main site. Every site has the same roles and add-ons settings after this operations.

    I suppose this explains why you lose the role(s) capabilities at the subsite level after the “Network Update” usage. This operation is for exact replication of main site roles data to all subsites.

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