Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums Restrict or Permit access inside WordPress – how to Only permit certain pages to be selected as parent page

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  • #1734

    Apologies if I am posting this is the wrong sub forum. I have restricted access to post creation/edit/deletion for Contributors to the Page type of posts only, and I am now looking for a way to further simplify the contribution process for this user role. Is there a way to only display selected pages in the Page Attributes > Parent dropdown for this user role?

    Edit: Pro version of plugin.


    There is no such feature at Pro version currently. Thanks for the idea for future development. Yes, it’s possible.

    I hope this post will help:


    +1. I am looking for this feature too. It would be great if the list of parent pages available as meta data could match the pages they have access to. If a user only has the ability to edit posts to parent page 1, then that would be the only parent page they could select in the meta data box.

    The restrict list of parent pages code in functions or as must use plugin works in a simple setup, but is more difficult in larger deployments.

    Thank you for your consideration.


    Thank you for a valuable suggestion. I can not tell about date when it will be realized, but I will really consider it for the plugin functionality enhancement.

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