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  • #8712
    [email protected]

    I can’t find how to show pagination in woocommerce orders. It will only show me the first page of orders. I tried a lot of things but no luck. Can you please help me in the right directions? Where to find the allowed arguments? I think that is causing this problem. But extracting them from the url is not helping.



    Hi Marci,

    When we list shop orders pages WC adds to URL ‘paged=‘ argument. My test shows that it’s processed normally by default for both “blocked selected” and “block not selected” options at the “Admin menu” dialog.

    Deactivate “Admin menu” add-on, login under test user and list pages. Look what arguments you see at the URL in addition to the ‘custom_type’ and ‘pages’.

    [email protected]

    Solved this problem. It was my fault. I had hidden the order tab in backend thru css. Dumb 🙂

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