Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums How to or FAQ Prevent access to particular plugins and sliders

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    I purchased your Pro version of the User Role Editor. I was looking to craete a role for specific plugin authors to utilise, so I dont give access to other areas of the website… But even when I deactivate the plugins under the admin menu, it still shows up.

    How can I give access only to some plugins and not to the rest? I also want to block access to my cyclone sliders which are part of the theme…. but cannot do that.

    Also, when theme options are marked as to be hidden, with some aspects of the theme available, when you go to that aspect, you can click and get all the other aspects of the theme that have been hidden from being on the dashboard too.

    help would be highly appreciated, cause so far, the purpose of this plugin is not being met at all 🙁



    There are some rare issues when a client discovers specific product incompatible with User Role Editor Pro. I hope it’s not your case.
    Could you give more details about to what plugin do you wish to provide access? May be a hint, which follows below, will be helpful.

    How can I give access only to some plugins and not to the rest?

    If plugin provides its own user capabilities use theme 1st. If plugin does not provide its own permissions or there is not enough them, use “Admin menu access” add-on with ‘Block not selected’ option:

    What theme do you use? What do you try to block/hide? If it’s a commercial product, could you send its copy to [email protected] for the research?


    Emailed you. Kindly check and let me know.

    Thank you.


    Hello Vladimir,

    Did you manage to check it out?

    Any updates?


    Hi Francis,

    I’m looking on the described issues currently. I will answer you today definitely.


    You discovered the real bug. Old feature was lost due to use of the hard coded path inside the code. Version 4.21 includes a fix for this bug:
    Fix: Removed hard coded folder name (user-role-editor) from the used paths. User Role Editor Pro is hidden now from a user without permissions (administrator or ure_edit_roles), even if a user has access to the ‘activate_plugins’ capability.

    You may restrict plugins available for the activation/deactivation at the user level:

    Could you please test plugins access related part with the development version 4.21.b7?
    It’s available after login from the Downloads page.

    I look at the free version of the theme to understand if it’s possible to change something with access to the tabs at its options page.


    This recipe will help you to restrict access to the selected sections of the Virtue them options page:

    Hide Virtue theme options page sections


    I’ve emailed you.
    Kindly check, it needs a bit of more work …
    Awaiting a perfect plugin option. 🙂



    I updated the post for the Virtue Premium, which differs from a free one.


    Hmm … It still doesn’t work for me …
    I’m using virtue premium with a child theme…. could that be a reason?


    I installed both virtue premium and its child you sent to me and added code for the premium theme to the child theme’s functions.php file for testing.

    Did you changed role ID at the code for your own one?


    yes, I did …. It just doesn’t work for me 🙁

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