I have been looking on the forums for most of today and I can’t seem to find this question asked before.
Our site depends heavily on custom post types and also custom taxonomies. Using the pro edition of the plugin I was able to limit the access to these custom post types. (Great!)
I would also like to be able to limit access to the Taxonomies, the taxonomies themselves not content tagged with the taxonomies. I would like some of our custom roles to be able to edit tagged content, but not the tags.
the majority of these taxonomies have been defined with capabilities such as
manage_terms = edit_posts and show_in_menu = true
So if I create a role Event Editor, given permission to edit custom type event and standard posts, by giving them edit_post capability Then they see admin menu options to edit Custom Type Course’s Custom Taxonomy academic year
I can work around this by giving the role edit access to each of the custom content types and then using the admin add on to block access to the menu items.
Can you recommend a better way?