Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums How to or FAQ Sync Individual Roles For Users

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  • #8698
    [email protected]

    I want to sync user individual roles for users, when they are granted access, to a secondary site. Here’s an example:
    User Joe has a custom role Sysadmin in the main site – Site A. That role exists in the secondary site – Site B, but user Joe has not been given. User Joe is given access to Site B. I want the role to automatically be added to his user ID on Site B when given access.


    This article explains how to sync. user roles at subsites with roles from the main site:

    How to sync user roles between all the sites of a mulitisite WordPress


    When roles from the main site exist at the subsites you may sync. roles for user from the main site for this user at all other subsites if go to “Network Admin”->”Users”, and click “Capabilities” link under selected user. Then click “Update Network” button. It will copy the list of user roles granted to user at the main site and grant it to the same user for every subsite.

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