Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums How to or FAQ User can only post to one category or is sub categories

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  • #8672


    I have been asked to design a football league website.

    Aside form the all the usual things you would see in such a site, they want to be able to do the following…..

    Give each club an account where they a user from the team can post /edit the teams main details AND to allow the same user to make posts to their category and choose under which sub category the post will be placed….

    So, for example, the manager of Slough United, is given permission for the category “Slough United”. He can then add details such as contact details, picture of club badge etc.

    Also, the manager of Slough United is also given permission to make a post and then choose from a predetermined list of subcategories e.g. Club News, Match report, Fan News and so on.

    I intend to use crocoblock to control formatting for each Category and Sub category.

    What I need to know is will Your product, role editor be able to control the permissions above and integrate itself into Crocoblock?

    If so, I will undoubtedly buy your product.

    Thanks in advance


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