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  • in reply to: Duplicate Post capabilities #3804


    Look for ‘copy_posts’ or ‘copy_products’ capability. If it does not exist yet, add it manually. I answer without testing.

    in reply to: Prohibit hides all posts, disregards IDs #3800


    Yes, ‘Allow’ applied to taxonomy IDs hides not only posts without allowed taxonomies, but the not allowed taxonomies too.

    About users which don’t see any post. Check if there are posts with taxonomies (except prohibited IDs) which these users can edit. URE Pro hides from a restricted user any post, which this user can not edit.

    If such post exists, can be edited by a user, but it’s not shown to a user according to edit restrictions you set, can you send me a little example of your posts, user permissions and edit restrictions set for him, in order I can reproduce an issue at my development environment?



    Thanks for the purchase. Date is shown in a European format: dd-mm-yyyy, that is your membership will expire at June 1st, 2018.

    in reply to: Admin menu access module won't work #3793

    Hi JLouis,

    Thanks for the clarification.
    Recommendation, try to minimize access by revoking unneeded user capabilities from a role 1st. Are ‘edit_posts’, ‘manage_options’ needed for this role?

    About a problem, try to temporally revoke the 2nd role from this user. Will admin access blocking work as expected after that? I suppose that you can have other admin menu access restrictions on the 2nd role which can conflict with the 1st one. Check the 2nd role for admin access restrictions. If it has them, show me screenshot. Top of a window is important too, to know what do you select “block selected” or “block not selected”.

    in reply to: Custom User Edit Page #3792

    I did not select current role(s) at “Grant Roles” dialog as I positioned this feature for the bulk action. There is no sense to pre-select current roles when action is applied to multiple users at once.

    But I agree with you such pre-selection will enhance usability if action is applied to a single user. I will update a code to work this way. Thanks.

    in reply to: Hide "Other Roles" control #3789

    There are a lot of other users of User Role Editor which think different – they need multiple roles assignment to one user at WordPress. Historically, I developed this feature after I got multiple requests about it from plugins users.

    I will add a user interface for this option (swith ON/OFF other roles section) later.

    Currently it’s possible to manage this feature via filters, if your setup it correctly. This is a short demo video.

    Check if you don’t have any accident typos in a code and it’s really executed. For example, code above works for the user with ‘user-manager’ role only. Did you change a role ID for your own or may be remove role checking code?

    in reply to: Hide "Other Roles" control #3787

    Add this code to your active theme functions.php file or setup it as a Must Use plugin:

    add_filter('ure_show_additional_capabilities_section', 'ure_show_additional_capabilities_section');
    add_filter('ure_bulk_grant_roles', 'ure_show_additional_capabilities_section');
    function ure_show_additional_capabilities_section($show) {
        if (current_user_can('user-manager')) {
            $show = false;
        return $show;
    in reply to: Admin menu access module won't work #3786


    Can you export the screenshots from the SnagIt software to .PNG or .JPG format in order I can see it without rebooting to Windows from Ubuntu and installing SnagIt, which I don’t use?

    in reply to: Editor Role adding access to Menu and Widgets #3785


    Yes, it’s possible.
    1st, grant access to the ‘Appearance’ menu for the role adding ‘edit_theme_options’ capability to it.
    2nd, block unneeded menu items of “Appearance” menu using Admin menu access add-on.

    in reply to: 4.34.2 Notice: Undefined variable: self in #3780

    This bug was fixed with version 4.34.3.

    in reply to: 4.34.2 Notice: Undefined variable: self in #3775

    Thanks for your help. I will publish a fixed version tomorrow.

    in reply to: Can't change settings of other plugin as admin #3773

    Thanks to you.

    The universal scenario when you don’t know what capability protects custom post type, look for that using Admin menu access add-on. Open it for ‘Administrator” role and look what capability protects needed menu item. Grant that capability to the selected role then. If this is a ‘edit_posts’, but you don’t need that this role access to the posts, except ‘nieuws’, then block unneeded menu items, like ‘Posts’ menu with the same “Admin menu access” add-on.


    Unfortunately, No.

    Look, when user clicks ‘Add New’ post, WordPress creates a new post record at the database and then re-open for editing the existing (just new added) post. As you allowed to user to edit posts from selected categories list only, if this new added post will not has any allowed category, WordPress will show “You don’t have permissions to edit this post”. This is a reason why I have to assign automatically to the new added post the 1st item from the allowed list of available (allowed) categories.

    So user has to reselect needed category if needed after that.


    In order to restrict authors to post only to the selected list of categories use posts/pages edit restrictions add-on:
    – activate add-on at Settings->User Role Editor->Additional Modules;
    – go to Users->User Role Editor;
    – select ‘Author’ role;
    – grant ‘create_posts’ capability to this role;
    – click ‘Posts Edit’;
    – select “Block” or “Allow” action;
    – input a list of digital category IDs to which you wish to block or allow access;
    – save your changes.

    in reply to: Can't change settings of other plugin as admin #3762

    I will appreciate if you leave a review at URE’s core version home:

    User Role Editor

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