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KeymasterHi Luis,
Show a screenshot of the page with this user capabilities: go to the ‘Users’ menu and click ‘Capabilities’ link under this user role. I’m sure that this user has more capabilities or even roles than just a ‘Subscriber’ one. User should see just ‘Dashboard’ and ‘Profile’ menu items with the only ‘Subscriber’ role.
KeymasterHi Luis,
You should activate this add-on at “Settings->User Role Editor->Additional Modules” tab. Then you will see “Admin menu” button at “Users->User Role Editor”.
KeymasterI may only suppose that some difference in the plugins list/settings exist. At my tests role with these capabilities:
read_private_shop_ordersworks with orders (may add a new order) without problem too.
Try to deactivate all plugins except WC and URE. Check if some ‘must use’ plugin works or ‘functions.php’ from the active theme was modified and contains some related code.
KeymasterI will add the support for this argument directly to User Role Editor Pro with the next update.
Done for the development version 4.29.b4. It’s available for testing from the “Download” page.
Thanks for paying my attention on this problem.
It depends from what filter you will use (may be use have some custom filters).
In order to allow WC to use a filter by customer wee need to mark as ‘allowed’ the ‘_customer_user’ URL parameter, like this:add_filter('ure_admin_menu_access_allowed_args', 'allow_events_filter', 10, 1); function allow_events_filter($args) { $args['edit.php'][''][] = '_customer_user'; return $args; }
I will add the support for this argument directly to User Role Editor Pro with the next update.
In general ‘edit_posts’ capability is not required to allow work with WC Orders. This custom post type has its own set of user capabilities – ends with ‘_shop_orders’.
WooCommerce does not allow access to backend to any user without ‘manage_woocommerce’ or ‘edit_posts’ capability. But there is a workaround for this.
So you will not need to block access to “Posts” menu it this case.Vladimir
It’s possible to use “Admin menu access” add-on to check what user capability protects the selected plugin menu item:
– activate admin menu access add-on;
– open ‘administrator’ role at User Role Editor;
– click “Admin Menu” button;
– find menu items related to the “Forms” plugin.It’s the “edit_posts” for “FM Email Verification” menu and “manage_options” for “Form Maker”, “Form Maker Addons” menus. Every item of the “Form Maker” submenu is protected by “manage_options” capability too.
The next step is create a role which has access to the WordPress back-end, start from a subscriber role, add to it “manage_options” user capability and block for it the unused menu items.
Look at the demo video.24/09/2016 at 03:12 in reply to: Serious problem with user not able to edit content blocks. Settings are correct. #2790Vladimir
KeymasterGood news. After repeating exact settings as on your stage site I can repeat a problem at my local dev. environment. On the 1st glance, URE applies restrictions some time before “content_block” custom post type is defined so it can not check permissions on its edit correctly. I will proceed with testing and return to you with the solution.
23/09/2016 at 17:39 in reply to: Serious problem with user not able to edit content blocks. Settings are correct. #2789Vladimir
KeymasterIf you could repeat this at a stage/dev copy (I listened that WP Engine offers this) I’m ready to look and test the issue on-line.
Also I will think about some debug output/logging which may help to isolate the issue.23/09/2016 at 17:26 in reply to: Serious problem with user not able to edit content blocks. Settings are correct. #2787Vladimir
KeymasterI tested with 2 users from the different browsers and did not reproduce the described issue.
If you look this video, will you see any difference, which I should apply to repeat your actions more exactly?Do you use any general caching plugin?
Could you try to deactivate temporally all plugins except CPW and URE to exclude any conflict with other plugins?Vladimir
KeymasterTry to check yourself if the full “CSV Import” menu is available for “administrator” role. If ‘Yes’, look what capabilities protect menu items which are not available for the ‘Director’ role. It is the reason in the most of cases – not enough permissions.
Give the download link for “CSV Import” plugin is it’s free or send its copy to support [at-sign] for the testing.
23/09/2016 at 03:25 in reply to: Serious problem with user not able to edit content blocks. Settings are correct. #2781Vladimir
KeymasterBtw, ‘mu’ is too short for the role ID. You may use the role name ‘MU’, but I do not recommend to use such short string for the role ID. I saw a code (from plugin or even WordPress core) where user role was checked this way: if string with current user roles and capabilities contains a needed role ID. Imagine what it may find if it will check just for the ‘mu’ occurrence.
23/09/2016 at 03:12 in reply to: Serious problem with user not able to edit content blocks. Settings are correct. #2780Vladimir
KeymasterYesterday I thought by mistake that you wrote about “Content Blocks” created by “Global Content Blocks” plugin and I can simulate your situation.
Is your “Content Blocks” a custom post type? What plugin creates them? Send me a download link if it’s a free product. If it’s a paid product send .zip with a copy for testing to support [at-sign] email address.
22/09/2016 at 17:19 in reply to: Serious problem with user not able to edit content blocks. Settings are correct. #2778Vladimir
KeymasterThanks for the information. It could be a bug in URE Pro. I’m not ready to recommend/provide a solution today.
I will try to reproduce this issue tomorrow (my local time is GMT +7) at my dev. environment and inform you about results.22/09/2016 at 17:06 in reply to: Serious problem with user not able to edit content blocks. Settings are correct. #2776Vladimir
KeymasterPlease clarify, what is ‘MU’ users? Are users have access to the same content blocks?
Is the same user logout/login to resolve a problem or on logout and other login?We may have a problem with an internal caching here. URE caches some data for quicker data processing.