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KeymasterOpen “Users->User Role Editor” and check the browser JavaScript console for the error messages. If there are any send here a copy.
Try again, just in case it was a temporary network problem. If error will be repeated send a domain name of your site. I will check my update server logs.
KeymasterYes, ‘Admin menu’ works in read-only mode for the ‘Administrator’ role, as we should not restrict site administrator.
Create for a new role as a copy of administrator role. Revoke from it unneeded capabilities, like manage_options. We should minimize access using capabilities 1st, whenever it’s possible.
Open “admin menu” window for ‘administrator’ or ‘shop_manager’ role, look what capabilities protect WooCommerce related menus. Revoke from a new role unneeded capabilities.
After then open admin menu window for this new role and block the rest of menu items which you can not remove using capabilities.12/08/2016 at 04:32 in reply to: Unable to Restrict Access within WP Admin on One Specific Site #2624Vladimir
KeymasterHi Kevin,
I make my own test with active W3TC and can not repeat the issue. If you use CDN, cached version of the page may be provided from there and it could be built for other user.
May be it has sense to use one of these W3TC options:
– Don’t cache pages for logged in users;
– Don’t cache pages for following user roles;
available at the “Page Cache -> General” section?Vladimir
KeymasterThanks for sharing your experience.
In general if plugins use the same capabilities you may block unneeded plugin menus via “Admin menu access” add-on you referenced at your post.
Some plugins changes capabilities, which they use for menu protection, dynamically:
use one for ‘administrator’ role and another one for other roles. Such cases require investigation as the admin menu access module shows menu items list using capabilities it got from menu for the ‘administrator’ role.10/08/2016 at 05:17 in reply to: Why URE restricted role when it is clearly given permission (on Submenu)? #2618Vladimir
KeymasterA workaround which will allow to not define ‘dummy’ ‘Add New’ submenu items is to add to the user role ‘create_posts’, ‘edit_posts’ capability. It’s possible to block that menu with URE Pro “Admin menu access” add-on.
In other cases WordPress requires that there was a correspondent menu item available for current user if he tries to access ‘post-new.php’ page.
You can find logic at user_can_access_admin_page() function.
It’s located at wp-admin/includes/plugin.php file, line # 1697.
It’s called from wp-admin/includes/menu.php file, line # 333.Vladimir
KeymasterHello. It’s there already:
It’s not a capability. But the checkbox at the “Edit post restrictions” dialog window for the role.09/08/2016 at 03:33 in reply to: Unable to Restrict Access within WP Admin on One Specific Site #2615Vladimir
KeymasterHi Kevin,
There was one message from a client about conflict with W3 Total Cache some time ago. He planned to switch to another caching plugin.
I do not have a quick decision on hands. This issue requires the special investigation.
Did you tried to clear the cache at W3TC after updating admin menu settings in User Role Editor?Vladimir
KeymasterIt seems I should optimize some SQL queries. How much pages (approximately) do you have at this site?
Edit restrictions are not applied to the users with ‘administrator’ role. So that query was not executed.03/08/2016 at 04:21 in reply to: Why URE restricted role when it is clearly given permission (on Submenu)? #2609Vladimir
KeymasterThanks. I got it.
KeymasterDeactivate “User Role Editor Pro” temporally and check if not logged in visitor sees the same list of jobs.
Did you setup any “Content view restrictions” for the jobs?
“PressApps” menu is available to the role, but it’s not shown by “Admin menu” window, right?
It seems this plugin addes ‘pa_non_existent_capability’ programmatically, on the fly and uses some tricks with it (possibly filters), instead of adding it to the role directly.You may send a copy of ‘PressApps Knowledge Base’ plugin to support email. I will investigate how to make its menu available for “Admin menu access’ module.
02/08/2016 at 05:28 in reply to: Why URE restricted role when it is clearly given permission (on Submenu)? #2602Vladimir
KeymasterI see just menu definition code at the provided file. Did you define your custom post types somewhere else?
KeymasterHi Greg,
Open ‘Shop Manager’ role at Users->User Role Editor.
Revoke ‘activate_plugins’, add ‘manage_options’ capability. Click ‘Update’ to save your changes.
Test your changes. You will see that user got access to the ‘WitFTP’ menu item. But he got access to the ‘Settings’ and possibly other menus also.
That’s why I recommended you to activate ‘Admin menu access’ add-on and block with it menu items unneeded for the ‘Shop Manager’ role.Let me know the result and if you need further help, including live site.
01/08/2016 at 02:53 in reply to: Why URE restricted role when it is clearly given permission (on Submenu)? #2598Vladimir
KeymasterYes, send your code to the support email. It will save to me some time.