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KeymasterProblem is that $this->main_blog_id property is empty for some reason, but it should contain 1 (main site ID) to work correctly.
Let’s return to the includes/classes/base-lib.php and check if you edited it as I asked at reply #2460
KeymasterThanks for the video. I see that a link from ‘Add New’ (page) button has additional parameter ‘lang’: post-new.php?post_type=page&lang=de
I have to block any link different from not selected at menu items list – some link to the same page just with different parameters may lead to another menu item. That’s why such problem appears from time to time.
I will add exclusion for the ‘lang’ parameter used at post_new.php page.Vladimir
KeymasterI got theme copy. Thanks.
I still can not repeat the 2nd issue with ‘add page’. I recorded a short video to demonstrate my experience.
Do you see any difference from your settings?Vladimir
KeymasterI can not repeat the 2nd issue. I deselected for editor the ‘Add Term’ menu item from ‘Encyclopedia’ plugin (post-new.php?post_type=encyclopedia’ and added new page after that successfully.
Can you send me (support [at-sign] “Stockholm” theme copy for testing?
“Admin menu” shows menu items according to the capabilities included into the role. In order to see the “Settings” menu at “Admin Menu” add ‘manage_options” to the role. Then block unneeded menu items under the ‘Settings’ menu for this role.
KeymasterThere is no way to upload a picture directly to this forum. Just insert a link to the external resource.
Thanks for the detailed description.
I repeated the admin menu add-on issue with access to the pages views, like ‘Published’, ‘Draft’, ‘Pending’, ‘Trash’. I fixed it at dev version 4.26.b5. I will make it available as I resolve the 2nd issue with ‘Add New’ page.Vladimir
KeymasterYou have to add a line
global $current_site;
inside init_options() functions before check property value of this object. This variable is unavailable in other case.
KeymasterIs it some custom post type of WordPress standard pages?
Show a screenshot with an example of what did you restrict for your editors.Vladimir
KeymasterMentioned problem was fixed in the development version 4.26.b4.
It’s available after login from the same Downloads page.
I appreciate if you can test it with your site copy.Vladimir
Thanks for the note about this bug. I will develop a fix.
KeymasterIf URE is network activated it uses options data from the main blog for all subsites.
Your site new installation differs somehow. Try to debug code related for work with options data to understand what’s going wrong with your setup and enhance the URE’s code.Main blog ID is defined at includes/classes/base-lib.php constructor:
$this->main_blog_id = $this->blog_ids[0][0];
Let’s replace it with this line:
$this->main_blog_id = $this->get_main_site();
and add a new public method to URE_Base_Lib class:
public function get_main_site() { global $current_site; return $current_site->blog_id; } // end of get_main_site()
This way we will relay on WordPress in a question of main site ID definition.
Test shortcodes after this update. Just in case debug data you showed yesterday was not actual somehow and main site ID is not 1.
If it will not help, let’s proceed with debugging of init_options method at includes/classes/ure-lib.php, line #154.
User Role Editor takes its configuration/options data from there. As you can see it switches to the main blog before to get data if it’s network wide activated under WP multisite.
30/06/2016 at 01:11 in reply to: Problem with view-broken-links, search_regex_read and search_regex_write #2457Vladimir
Thanks for letting me know that the issue is resolved.
KeymasterCould you compare the output from WordPress (adding this code to the functions.php, for example):
global $current_site; echo 'Main site ID: '. $current_site->blog_id;
and from this SQL query:
select blog_id from wp_blogs order by blog_id asc limit 0, 1;
use your own DB prefix instead of a default ‘wp_’ if you changed it.
KeymasterIs URE network activated or per the single subsites?
29/06/2016 at 02:47 in reply to: Problem with view-broken-links, search_regex_read and search_regex_write #2450Vladimir
KeymasterI tested ‘Search-regex’ plugin for non-admin user with ‘search_regex_read’ capability in a role without problem.
‘Broken Links Checker’ plugin uses ‘edit_others_posts’ capability for its menu item under the ‘Tools’ menu. Does your role include ‘edit_others_posts’ capability?