Forum Replies Created
29/06/2016 at 02:32 in reply to: Problem with view-broken-links, search_regex_read and search_regex_write #2449
KeymasterThere is no ability to attach screeenshots here. Upload them to your own or some public resource and insert links to your post.
Generally if you block 1st submenu item ‘Themes’, it removed, and ‘Appearance’ menu item is re-linked to the new 1st menu item – ‘Customize’ or other. I tested with 2016 theme.
What theme do you use? If it’s is not available for free send me (support [at-sign] its copy for testing.Vladimir
KeymasterHi Hannes,
Look if you have some active plugin which may do its own redirection just after user logged-in. Try to deactivate them all and activate back one by one until you meet a problem again.
KeymasterCheck if ‘Activate [user_role_editor roles=”role1, role2, …”] shortcode’ checkbox at URE’s settings ‘Additional modules’ tab is turned ON at ‘Network Admin’ if URE is network activated or for the site to which this page is belongs.
25/06/2016 at 01:49 in reply to: Problem with view-broken-links, search_regex_read and search_regex_write #2437Vladimir
KeymasterDid you set any restrictions with “Admin menu access” module for this role? If Yes, describe them or show the screenshots.
KeymasterNo problem. Thanks for the information that your issue was resolved.
KeymasterShow the exact error message. I can not find ‘error while sending’ at WordPress code.
What’s happened if your upload image by user with WP built-in ‘editor’ role?Vladimir
KeymasterHi Fred,
Currently such feature is not available with URE Pro. It’s on the development queue though. I hope it will be available in 1-2 months.
KeymasterThanks for you help with resolving this.
KeymasterThanks for contacting Varktech on your side.
KeymasterThanks, I will ask a copy from you if needed.
Varktech placed this warning into a free version too. So I will test it, 1st.Vladimir
There is no response from Varktech at the related forum thread.
Btw, I compared new roles added by Members plugin:
and by User Role Editor plugin:
As you see the only difference is that URE adds “deprecated” ‘level_0’ capability, but Members does not. So called ‘deprecated levels’ are still a subject for discussion as WordPress continues to use them:
So I just wonder to this moment, what was a reason for Varktech to use ‘poisoned’ word in relation to the URE’s created roles.
I plan make my own tests of Pricing Deals plugin with URE’s and Members created role to get a full picture.Vladimir
I suppose that you installed it correctly as a must-use WP plugin.
PHP file should be readable/executable by your web server. It’s content should start from <?php tag. Check if user does not have a ‘manage_network_plugins’ capability.I tested exactly this code at my test WordPress multisite, where it works as expected – URE menu items does not appear under WP Network Admin.
Other workaround – you may replace ‘manage_network_users’ at line #239 of includes/classes/ure-lib.php to some other critical network capability, like ‘manage_network_plugins’.
KeymasterRole is included into the list for deletion just if it is not assigned to any user. If you wish to delete some role, which you don’t see at this list, you should revoke it from your users 1st.
KeymasterHi Luke,
Historically a user with ‘manage_network_users’ capability is a superadmin for the User Role Editor under WordPress multisite. I see that in rare cases as yours it should be changed and I will do it with one of the next update.
Workaround – take a code below, insert it into the separate .php file and place that file into wp-content/mu-plugins/ folder:
<?php add_action('plugins_loaded', 'remove_ure_from_network_menu'); function remove_ure_from_network_menu() { if (current_user_can('manage_network_plugins')) { return; } remove_action('network_admin_menu', array($GLOBALS['user_role_editor'], 'network_plugin_menu')); }