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KeymasterIt’s difficult to make assumption about a reason without access to the theme. You may send its copy to support [at-sign] for the evaluation.
Please show on the screenshot, what part is not available to non-admin users.
What role did you assign for such user?Vladimir
KeymasterYou are right. My apologies – I had ‘Force custom post types to use their own capabilities’ option turned ON at my test site User Role Editor Settings page. So I had a different picture and misleaded you, slightly I hope.
By default, ‘WordPress Team Manager’ uses the same capabilities for its CPT ‘team_manager’ as WordPress does for the posts.
Let’s start from the very begin. Do you as admin see at the ‘Team’ menu some list of the members with different groups? User with ‘editor’ role should see them all also.
For example:
If you activated ‘Activate user access management to editing selected posts, pages, custom post types’ option at URE’s Settings, you should see the ‘Posts Edit’ button at the User Role Editor. If you open it for the ‘Editor’ role and input some groups ID (comma separated) there, you will see as the Editor just members from those groups.Vladimir
KeymasterI got the plugin copy. Thanks. I will contact you as I will get a new information.
KeymasterYou may input ‘team_managers’ into the the quick filter field at the ‘User Role Editor’ and look for the highlighted set of user capabilities for the ‘team_managers’ CPT at the ‘Custom capabilities’ section.
KeymasterNo problem.
I mean if you’re familiar with the built-in capabilities for the ‘posts’: edit_posts, publish_posts, edit_others_posts, delete_posts, etc. you may simply build the capability name for the ‘team_managers’ custom post type (CPT), take ‘delete_posts’ and replace ‘posts’ with ‘team_managers’ and receive ‘delete_team_managers’ as the permission for the deletion of Members added by the user himself.
You may check this way if your role contains all needed capabilities for the ‘team_managers’ CPT or it does not.Vladimir
Keymaster‘WP Team Manager’ uses ‘team_managers’ based capabilities set, like ‘edit_team_managers’, ‘edit_others_team_managers’, just replace ‘posts’ to ‘team_managers’ to get the full list of capabilities you may need to get the full access to this custom post type.
If content is created by some other user – members are added to the team by one user, and you wish to restrict access for the other user, you should give to him the access 1st (‘edit_others_team_managers’ capability in this case) and only then to restrict those access for special groups/categories for him.
Groups is the custom taxonomy for the team_manager custom post type, like Categories for the posts. So you may use ‘content edit restrictions’ additional module to restrict edit access for the user directly or via role. You may input groups ID list, to which you allow or block the edit access.
Do you hide notice messages using this code?
Could you send a copy of “Admin Columns Pro” plugin to support [at-sign] in order I may test this issue?
Let’s call it ‘quick’ not ‘worst’ scenario. To realize a quick scenario:
1) create separate roles;
2) include to them just capabilities which are required to access required part of WordPress;
3) if some required capability givea access to more than 1 menu items, including some menu items which you wish to hide/block from such role, use ‘Admin menu access’ add-on of the User Role Editor Pro in order to block those menu items.To give you more detailed answer I need to look at the “Woocommerce Appointments” plugin, check and test it with different scenarios. I need to look, what it offers itself in the part of different access for the different users. You may send a copy of this plugin to support [at-sign] I guarantee that it will be used only in the development (not public) environment and for the testing purpose only.
Double think before to give somebody the ability to install new plugins. Untrusted person may install malicious code and get full access to the site via it.
Thanks for this information. I did not know about such warning from “Varktech Pricing Deals for WooCommerce” plugin developer until you informed me. Moreover this warning existed 8 months at its support forum:
but that plugin author vark did not contact me about this issue, but prefered to require URE’s deletion from his plugin users.
I asked him to give more details about the issue via that support thread.I will try to resolve possible issue/conflict as I will get more information.
I confirm the bug. Thanks.
I will develop a fix after my return to the office at Thursday, June, 9th.Vladimir
1) Login to the and open this page (top menu, right item):
You will find the license key at the top.
2) Generally, to prohibit the access to the backend you should revoke the ‘read’ capability.Vladimir
In order to look BNFW menu for the role, that role should include at least ‘edit_bnfw_notifications’ capability.
If you don’t see some item in ‘Admin Menu’ for the role, check the same for the ‘Administrator’ role and compare if your role contains the required user capabilities.
KeymasterPlease show a screenshot of what do you see.
KeymasterAdd ‘edit_job_applications’ capability to the role to see ‘Job Applications’ menu.