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  • in reply to: Restrict permission to … #2236

    In order to help you I need to know exactly what plugin adds that menu items. Send me download link from or .zip copy (to support email) if it’s a paid product.
    I use provided paid products for the testing purpose and at my local desktop only.

    Contact Form 7 – “Integration” menu item is protected by ‘manage_options’ capability. If role has this capability it will be shown at ‘Admin Menu’ dialog for that role:
    When I block it, it becomes unavailable for user with that role:
    CF7 menu without Integration menu item

    in reply to: Restrict option to only particular plugins #2232

    I will answer, little later today.
    I’m preparing bug fix release currently.

    in reply to: Restrict permission to … #2230

    Try “Admin menu access” module:


    Hi Kevin,

    Re-check that test user really have role, for which you set “Admin Menu” restrictions. Try to re-assign that role to him (remove role, update profile, assign role back).
    Check if you use some plugin with admin menu editing functionality, try to deactivate it, to understand if there is any conflicts between plugins.
    Yes, show screenshots with ‘Admin menu’ window and what menu items are not blocked.

    in reply to: Restrict option to only particular plugins #2219

    This module helps with limited access to the plugins list for activation/deactivation:

    Restrict plugins available for activation/deactivation

    Only selected plugins will be available to user for activation. All other plugins will not be visible at the “Plugins” list.

    in reply to: Beautifying Custom Capabilities Section #2218

    Hi James,

    Good point to follow. Thanks. Let’s go in this direction.


    It’s enough to deactivate, activate back for WooCommerce. It restores its roles and capabilities in case it loses them.

    I need more exact information about other plugins: download links or copy for the paid products.

    in reply to: Restrict option to only particular plugins #2214


    I need more details. Show screenshots with notes what do you wish to achieve and what settings did your make for that.

    in reply to: Give access to yoast seo plugin #2213

    Send me an exact link for the Updraft plugin in order I should not guess what ‘updraft’ do you mean. Role capabilities list and ‘Admin Menu’ settings screenshot will be helpful.

    in reply to: Give access to yoast seo plugin #2212

    If menu item is not visible at “Admin Menu” dialog it means that it is not available for the current role in the most of cases. ‘Yoast SEO’ uses ‘manage_options’ capability to protect its menu. Does role contain ‘manage_options’ capability?

    ‘Revolution Slider’ uses ‘manage_options’ also to protect its menu.

    in reply to: Beautifying Custom Capabilities Section #2208

    Hi James,

    I see this mess every day hundreds of times during development and testing and fully agree with you. I open to the suggestions.

    1st one – to add separate tab for every registered custom post type.

    Can you offer something else?

    in reply to: Restrict Orders View – 2 #2206

    Yes but this is a POS CASH REGISTER orders are placed by whoever is current logged in user.

    Thanks. I will add an option via filter to restrict orders by order owner or by product owner (default).

    in reply to: Restrict Orders View – 2 #2205

    It seems you need some other logic then one which was realized currently. And it’s something special.

    In general WooCommerce order could be placed by any visitor, which automatically becomes a customer. Customers don’t have access to the admin back-end.
    When we talk about ability of someone to see/edit his own orders only, I mean a user like a vendor (products owner), which sees/edits just orders placed for his products.

    in reply to: Restrict Orders View – 2 #2204

    Orders are filtered by product owner ID = this user ID, that is 11, not by “Ship To” field value.

    in reply to: Restrict Orders View – 2 #2202

    ‘With’ author user ID’ field is currently available if user has ‘edit_others_%’ capability.

    Yes, I will add this feature definitely.
    I understand a problem and version 4.25 (currently in beta state) makes a step forward. It’s capable to set edit restrictions for roles, where it will be much easier to set in case of large quant of users to restrict.

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