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Good question. It is not possible currently with roles selection metabox. I will add such functionality for the next update.
KeymasterHi Laurence,
Thanks for the good feedback. Please read my answer at this topic
KeymasterHi Laurence,
You may achieve this by 2 ways:
1) Try my other plugin
2) Use posts/pages edit restrictions add-on of a Pro version:
But do not input that users post IDs as restrictions list.
If you wish that user add new posts add him or to the his role the ‘create_posts’ capability.
In order to restrict him to view his own posts do the following:
– Add to the user or to the his role ‘edit_others_posts’ capability. This will activate ‘edit posts/pages with author user ID (comma separated)’ section at that user profile.
– Input that user ID to that field to restrict him to view/edit just his posts and any other custom posts types, like WooCommerce products, etc.Vladimir
KeymasterThank You.
KeymasterIs this question still actual?
KeymasterPlease give more details about a problem? Don’t you see users with ‘author’ role at the ‘Author’ drop-down list at post editor or something else?
KeymasterThanks for the additional information. I paid attention on that after read of your 1st message, but thought that text is shown by WordPress/bbPress that way. Please check the double quotes used at the shortcode. Instead of
[user_role_editor roles=”caclient”]
ordinal HTML complied double quote symbol should be there:
[user_role_editor roles="caclient"]
The same problem should be fixed here:
[user_role_editor roles=”affiliate"]
KeymasterThank you for the screencast. Shortcode works at my test multisite WordPress installation. So it should not be an issue.
Could you please send your test post content as a .txt file attachment to support [at-sign]
KeymasterTry other user with ‘caclient’ role. Will it change something? If ‘Yes’, assign to the former user other role and then assign ‘caclient’ back.
I tested shortcode feature today (to be sure) and this is the record of my test.
KeymasterThanks you for the suggestion. I will add interface for it with high probability. At this moment use this code (it is for the ‘Editor’ role):
add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'remove_post_metaboxes', 11); function remove_post_metaboxes() { if (!current_user_can('editor')) { return; } $side_metaboxes = array('formatdiv', 'categorydiv', 'tagsdiv-post_tag', 'postimagediv'); $normal_metaboxes = array('revisionsdiv', 'postexcerpt', 'trackbacksdiv', 'postcustom', 'commentstatusdiv', 'commentsdiv', 'slugdiv', 'authordiv'); foreach($side_metaboxes as $metabox) { remove_meta_box($metabox, 'post', 'side'); } foreach($normal_metaboxes as $metabox) { remove_meta_box($metabox, 'post', 'normal'); } } add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'remove_page_metaboxes', 11); function remove_page_metaboxes() { if (!current_user_can('editor')) { return; } $side_metaboxes = array('pageparentdiv', 'postimagediv'); $normal_metaboxes = array('postcustom', 'commentstatusdiv', 'commentsdiv', 'slugdiv', 'authordiv'); foreach($side_metaboxes as $metabox) { remove_meta_box($metabox, 'page', 'side'); } foreach($normal_metaboxes as $metabox) { remove_meta_box($metabox, 'page', 'normal'); } }
You may put it into functions.php file of your active theme or as the separate php file at wp-content/mu-plugins directory. Do not forget to start php file from <?php line.
KeymasterMore information about installation package download problem:
KeymasterSure, that was a temporary server or network problem. Please try again.
KeymasterIt is probably CSS conflict with some other plugin or theme. Element ID or class may be the same as some other CSS file defined. Try to check via browser console what real CSS was applied to this element and by what file. Define the source of a problem by that CSS file path: in Google Chrome use F12, Elements…
It is one time operation. So create wp-content/mu-plugins folder, create there remove_built_in_roles.php file ant copy/paste code below to that file:
<?php add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_built_in_roles'); function remove_built_in_roles() { global $wp_roles; $roles_to_remove = array('subscriber', 'contributor', 'author', 'editor'); foreach ($roles_to_remove as $role) { if (isset($wp_roles->roles[$role])) { $wp_roles->remove_role($role); } } }
It will remove all built-in roles except ‘administrator’ from your WordPress.
After you will see that roles were removed you may delete this file from mu-plugins folder.
KeymasterHello Anthony,
Could you please show the screenshot?