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  • in reply to: activating UREPro on multisite #1083

    Bug with update link from the “Network Admin – Settings – User Role Editor” form was confirmed and fixed. Please try updated version 4.17.b3.
    When URE is activated for single site (not network wide) its settings (single site Settings – User Role Editor) are applied to that single site only, including the “Multisite” tab options. It is named “Multisite” as these options have sense for the multisite WordPress installation only. You will not see this tab at the single site WordPress installation.
    So, Yes, it is supposed to be on all sites where URE is activated.

    Thanks for your help. I wait results of tests with 4.17.b3.

    in reply to: activating UREPro on multisite #1081

    I made Beta version 4.17.b2 available for download. Check “Beta version testing” section at the usual download page:
    Short changes list could be found at readme.txt file.
    In relation to problem you discovered – this version allows single site activated instances of URE to use its own copy of the settings.

    The only limitation is automatic updates. This is possible from the Network Admin. In order to check if updates available URE should be active. But network Admin “Plugins” page shows active plugins for the main blog only.

    Thus, if URE is not network activated and you plan to activate it individually for the subset of sites, you should activate it for the main blog in order automatic updates from the Network Admin will be available. In order input license code to the single site activated plugin use URE Settings under Network Admin – as explained above, this page is available in case URE is active for main blog.

    Thanks for the help in testing.

    in reply to: activating UREPro on multisite #1078

    whether there is a multisite-wide default new user role in the back-end SQL tables

    I do not know multi-site wide default role value for the new users. Every site has its own default role value, like

    select * from wp_options where option_name='default_role';

    To get this value from site 10 you need to execute:

    select * from wp_10_options where option_name='default_role';

    This value URE allows to modify. It does not set any multi-site network wide value, which override the value, which admin set when added new user. Value set by admin has a priority.
    Did you try to deactivate all plugins and add new user with other then subscriber role then?

    in reply to: activating UREPro on multisite #1077

    edit_posts capability now works fine, possibly because we did not network-activate

    Yes, it could be the result of single site activation as plugin does not get the full set of options, which it has when it is activated network wide. I need to know what the problem you met.
    For example, if you activated ‘edit restrictions’ add-on, then you need to check ‘create_posts’, ‘create_pages’ capabilities in your administrator role, in case they are not included there automatically.

    in reply to: activating UREPro on multisite #1071

    also given apparent bugs in post linked above; we are now confirming whether these bugs still exist

    Please describe bugs in details, try to answer on questions which I asked at that thread.

    in reply to: activating UREPro on multisite #1070

    I confirm the issue with URE Settings page, if plugin was activated for single site of multi-site WordPress network.
    I need to refactor code logic, something like this:
    1) Network activation: The only URE Settings page under Network Admin Settings, all settings are global for the whole network.
    2) Single sites activations: Every site has its own URE Settings page. Additionally, under Network Admin settings superadmin may input license code – one time for the whole network.

    Thus current version does not allow to use Pro version as the single site activation plugin. Thanks for the help in discovering this bug.

    Licenses are counted for the WordPress installations. One WordPress (including multi-site one) installation requires one license. So Personal membership is enough.

    in reply to: Manual Update for version 4.14.4 on Multisite #1069

    I deleted that test message. Those answers were sent before I fixed the problem with email notification.
    So we both get forum activity notification emails now. That’s good.

    in reply to: privileges incorrect on multisite #1065

    Thanks for the information. Let’s proceed in this thread.

    in reply to: Manual Update for version 4.14.4 on Multisite #1064

    Thanks for the information. I wonder of the possible problem as I do not see such issues on the ten of my installations.
    Yes, if you have no license code in the URE option then you may get ‘automatic updates unavailable’ message, but ‘new version available’ notification should work always.

    I will inform you when I publish the next update to make checking together. Interesting, if you will get the notification at admin, and what will be if you click ‘Check for updates’ link under plugin row at “Plugins” page manually?

    P.S. There is a problem with email notifications from this (bbPress) forum after I moved site to the Google App Engine. I investigate it.


    Good! Thanks.

    in reply to: Restrict editing pages by user role? #958

    Sorry, that was my fault. I did not pay attention on the word ‘specific’ at your 1st message.
    Current version does not include the interface to restrict editing posts/pages by role. It is good feature request and I will add this functionality to Pro version with time.
    Now you may use this piece of code to prohibit your users with ‘editor’ role access to the list of pages:

    if (is_blog_admin() && current_user_can('editor')) {
        add_action('pre_get_posts', 'restrict_posts_list');
        function restrict_posts_list($query) {
                $suppressing_filters = $query->get('suppress_filters'); // Filter suppression on?
                if ($suppressing_filters) {
                    return query;
                if ($query->query['post_type']=='page') {            
                    $posts_restriction_type = 2; // Prohibit
                    $posts_list = array(442, 484);   // comma separated list of pages IDs
                    if ($posts_restriction_type==1) {   // Allow
                        $query->set('post__in', $posts_list);
                    } else {    // Prohibit
                        $query->set('post__not_in', $posts_list);
                return $query;
        // restrict_posts_list()

    Replace pages ID at $posts_list array and add this code to your active theme functions.php file.


    I will publish version 4.16 at September, 15th, approximately.

    in reply to: UserPro #908

    I do not see your question.

    in reply to: Restrict editing pages by user role? #907

    1) Select needed role.
    2) Input ‘pages’ to the ‘Quick Filter’ field. All user capabilities related to the ‘pages’ will be selected.
    3) Unselect them all.
    4) Update role.
    Users with this role will not have access to adding/editing/deleting any pages.

    in reply to: How to give user access to plugins #903

    Thanks for the information.
    No, I can not advise you a suitable booking solution.

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