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  • in reply to: UserPro #908

    I do not see your question.

    in reply to: Restrict editing pages by user role? #907

    1) Select needed role.
    2) Input ‘pages’ to the ‘Quick Filter’ field. All user capabilities related to the ‘pages’ will be selected.
    3) Unselect them all.
    4) Update role.
    Users with this role will not have access to adding/editing/deleting any pages.

    in reply to: How to give user access to plugins #903

    Thanks for the information.
    No, I can not advise you a suitable booking solution.

    in reply to: How to give user access to plugins #901

    Yes, I see. ‘Booking Wis’ plugin requires the “Administrator” role for access to all its menu items. It is the real problem.

    Quick workaround: modify ‘Booking Wis’ source code. I may do it for you in case you send me this plugin installation package (support [at-sign]

    I will try to add the feature to replace menu capability which was set by plugin in order to resolve the similar issues. It may require a few days…
    It could not help in case plugin author checks user rights not in the menu definitions only, but at his source code directly, like:

    if (!current_user_can('administrator') {
        echo 'Not sufficient permissions!';

    It is valid now. I removed the real license code from your reply.
    Let’s see how automatic update feature will work for you with the next update. Or you may change manually version number at the top of user-role-editor-pro.php file to the “Version: 4.14” for example and check for the updates.

    in reply to: How to give user access to plugins #897

    Done – shinephp [at-sign]


    I see from this data that the license key is definitely corrupted. Please re-insert it and let’s monitor if it will be in place and un-touched.

    in reply to: How to give user access to plugins #894

    Administrator role copy should work in the most of cases, except some plugins, which requires directly the ‘administrator’ role. If you have a problem, let’s try to research the reason together and find the solution.

    in reply to: Admin Menu #891

    Thanks for the information.
    Do you use the latest version 4.15?
    Any chance to repeat the issue according to the step by step description?

    Known issues:
    1) ‘Themes’ and ‘Customize’ menu items of ‘Appeance’ menu are not shown at the list of menu items to block and as the result they leave unblocked. It was fixed in the upcoming version 4.15.1
    2) Corresponding front end top bar admin menu items is not blocked. I plan to fully hide it for roles which has blocked menu items.

    in reply to: How to give user access to plugins #887


    Admin menu blocking module may help with 2nd case:


    FYI: I checked server log for the recent 3 days (from September 1st) and found that there are no the update information requests with your license keys.
    So I suppose that license key at problematic installation is empty (@printrbot, I saw your screenshot from URE settings page). Lets, re-check. If you’re familiar with SQL try to extract URE options from the WordPress database with this command (replace ‘wp_’ with your custom database prefix if needed):

    select * from wp_options where option_name='user_role_editor';

    and look for the ‘license_key’ string inside option_value field content. Is it not empty and does it contain valid license key?


    Thanks for the information.

    – please check, if license code was not missed at the URE Options page. It may be empty – there was an issue in previous versions.

    I see the 404 error in my server logs for update information request from rare IP-addresses. The most of such requests including my own work as expected.

    If you have URE Pro installed on multiple servers – is this problem occur at all installations?
    Let me know the IP-address of the server where automatic update not available. I will check it against my logs.

    As the issue is not related to the FAQ section and may be a local problem I offer to proceed this conversation via email – support [at-sign]


    in reply to: privileges incorrect on multisite #873

    Hi Jim,

    I need more information from you to proceed. Please Show me the General tab from the User Role Editor Settings page, and the page with role capabilities, which assigned to your user.

    What exact problem is? Do you can not create new post? Or do you can not edit existing post? In second case is it your own post or post of the other author?


    in reply to: Manual Update for version 4.14.4 on Multisite #872

    Hi Nate,

    My apologies for the delay with answer. I was on holiday trip with rare access to the Internet.

    Yes, automatic update function should work. In case it does not please let me know. I will try to investigate the issue and fix it.
    One of the reason automatic update failure is that license code was not input or missed.
    In case you have time you may test automatic update feature – replace manually version number at user-role-editor-pro.php file from
    Version: 4.14.4
    to the
    Version: 4.14.3 for example and check for the updates.



    Yes, automatic update should work now. It is impossible without the license key. Please let me know, in case of any troubles with update in the future..

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