Forum Replies Created
The easiest way to achieve that – use “Admin Menu Editor” ( plugin in conjunction with “User Role Editor”.
Please send FTP and WordPress admin credentials to [email protected]
I will check what was happened with your site.Vladimir
KeymasterHi Bernhard,
It is impossible with built-in WordPress capabilities as “Widgets” menu uses the same capability as the upper level menu “Appearance”.
We may block selected menu items for selected role by adding some code. Yes, I plan to add the interface for such functionality.As about permissions for specific widgets this subject needs additional investigation. I have no ready to use decision for this moment.
KeymasterHi Joe,
If user with ‘administrator’ role has no any GF capabilities he automatically get full access to GF plugin functionality, line #841 of
file:else if(current_user_can("administrator")|| is_super_admin()){ //checking if user has any GF permission. $has_gf_cap = false; foreach($gf_caps as $gf_cap){ if(rgar($all_caps, $gf_cap)) $has_gf_cap = true; } if(!$has_gf_cap){ //give full access to administrators if none of the GF permissions are active by the Members plugin $all_caps["gform_full_access"] = true; } }
Try to leave at least one minimal capability, e.g. “gravityforms_view_entries” and check how the access of administrator user will be changed.
KeymasterDeactivate free version. Install Pro version.
Insert license key at the User Role Editor Pro Options page: Settings->User Role Editor.Yes, you can assign specific page to edit to one specific user. Read this post for more details:
1) License key input field is available for the Pro version of URE only. If you have the free version, deactivate it, delete if you wish. Then install the Pro version. Goto the “Settings->User Role Editor” (Network admin->Settings->User Role Editor – for the WordPress multisite) and insert license key there.
2) You may find license key at your personal membership account page
after login to
3) Pro version is available for download from this link
after login to
4) General description of core functionality included into free version is available here
5) For description of additional features of Pro version read posts at our blog
6) Some details for Pro version module are available here:-
- Per plugin access for users with “activate_plugins” capability:
Look youtube video -
- Giving access to the User Role Editor to the single site administrator of your WordPress multisite network, make available for him the selected capabilities only:
Look youtube video
If you have any additional questions, please ask. I will try to answer.
Some times (year?) ago users started complain that there is a conflict between URE plugin and bbPress. bbPress did not store its own custom capabilities at the WordPress user roles storage but created them dynamically every page load. URE works directly with WP roles storage. It saved bbPress caps to the database when user edited some role. Thus I excluded bbPress capabilities from the User Role Editor scope of view apparently. That’s why you don’t see them in URE.
Let me investigate the question again (couple of days). I may provide you special URE version with opened access to the bbPress capabilities. Are you ready to test how the things will go?
KeymasterHi Aparna,
If those plugins re-activation (deactivate/activate) do not help, then read this post
I hope it will help.Regards,
Please let me know if role “Administrator” with id=”administrator” exists at the main blog of your network. You should see it as “Administrator (administrator)” at the URE drop down menu.
KeymasterThank you, Christine. It is a very good addition to the existing shortcode functionality. I will add this feature.
KeymasterIt’s 1st time I see such screenshot. Try to export roles. In case of success, please, send the file to support [at-sign]
May be it will contain information to help resolve this issue.
The list of active plugins could be helpful also.Vladimir
KeymasterQuick turnaround how to provide ability to use “Mingle Forum” menu items to other WP users, not “administrator” only. Mingle Forum menu is created at the
file with this code starting from line #181.add_menu_page(__("Mingle Forum - Options", "mingleforum"), "Mingle Forum", "mingle-admin", "mingle-forum", array(&$wpfa, "options"), WPFURL."images/logo.png"); add_submenu_page("mingle-forum", __("Mingle Forum - Options", "mingleforum"), __("Options", "mingleforum"), "mingle-admin", 'mingle-forum', array(&$wpfa, "options")); add_submenu_page('mingle-forum', __('Ads', 'mingleforum'), __('Ads', 'mingleforum'), "mingle-admin", 'mfads', array(&$wpfa, "ads")); add_submenu_page("mingle-forum", __("Skins", "mingleforum"), __("Skins", "mingleforum"), "mingle-admin", 'mfskins', array(&$wpfa, "skins")); add_submenu_page("mingle-forum", __("Forum Structure - Categories & Forums", "mingleforum"), __("Forum Structure", "mingleforum"), "mingle-admin", 'mfstructure', array(&$wpfa, "structure")); add_submenu_page("mingle-forum", __("Moderators", "mingleforum"), __("Moderators", "mingleforum"), "mingle-admin", 'mfmods', array(&$wpfa, "moderators")); add_submenu_page("mingle-forum", __("User Groups", "mingleforum"), __("User Groups", "mingleforum"), "mingle-admin", 'mfgroups', array(&$wpfa, "usergroups")); add_submenu_page("mingle-forum", __("About", "mingleforum"), __("About", "mingleforum"), "mingle-admin", 'mfabout', array(&$wpfa, "about"));
Original code has “administrator” string instead of “mingle-admin” inside. I replaced it for your convenience. Replace original code with the code above. Then add new user capability “mingle-admin” with “User Role Editor” and turn it on for selected roles. This way user with “mingle-admin” capability in his role will be capable to use Mingle Forum menu.
Write please, what plugin do you use for forum?
If it is bbPress, then User Role Editor will not help you to change its roles. bbPress roles and capabilities are not shown in User Role Editor.
If you use for forum some other plugin, I may check what roles or capabilities that plugin uses and try to help you to find the decision.Regards,
KeymasterHi Segun,
You may go this way
to restore roles directly via MyPHPAdmin.Regards,
KeymasterHi Jonathan,
The reason of this error message is that you have the free version of User Role Editor active. Please deactivate it 1st, then activate Pro version.
Vladimir. -