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  • Vladimir


    Use this custom filter to change the restriction:


    in reply to: Overflow CSS Bug :: Module Lightbox Edit View #7738

    May be you can isolate what plugin or theme load its CSS globally and breaks a view at the URE’s page – just deactivate all plugins, activate WordPress 2021 theme, then test activating them back one by one.

    in reply to: Overflow CSS Bug :: Module Lightbox Edit View #7737


    Do you have own suggestion for this fix?
    If No, I need to look at the issue at the dev/stage copy of your site.

    in reply to: Commenting #7735

    There is no such setting in the URE plugin. Generally anyone can comment. Other depends from the comment system you use. Only post authors and editors can moderate comments.

    in reply to: Show administrator Access in widget #7732

    Hi Janneke,

    URE does not restrict user with ‘administrator’ role in any manner. Thus you can not select ‘administrator’ role for restriction at any add-on.

    You may use a copy of administrator role for the selected users, which it’s possible to restrict.

    in reply to: Conflict with Oasis Workflow? #7731

    Hi Erik,

    I updated the code to fix the issue. Take a look.


    I suppose, that plugin responsible for the front-end access to the downloads checks not user capability, but user role. If this plugin has settings for the list of role, allowed to download, add ‘administrator’ to that roles list.

    in reply to: Ajax Failure #7726


    Thanks a lot for pointing to this bug. It’s a typo. Quick fix: open post-edit-access-role.php file for editing and replace plus ‘+’ character with this the dot: ‘.’
    Correct version of line #72:

    return array('result'=>'success', 'message'=>'Posts edit permissions for role:'. $role_id, 'html'=>$html);

    I included this fix to the next release.

    in reply to: Conflict with Oasis Workflow? #7722

    Hi Erik,

    You are right. To make it universal use right version of the query with “IN ($ag)”, which currently is commented out by /* … */. Hardcoded ‘SBU004’ may stay there from the testing/debugging stage.

    in reply to: Import roles and capabilities in bulk mode by CSV #7718


    Sorry for the delay. Let’s wait for the end of month. I will try to add this feature to the next update I plan to publish at the end of October – begin of November 2021.

    in reply to: Problems with the API #7716


    Additional authentication parameters are required for the API calls. This post may help


    in reply to: URE updates for users without control of settings #7712

    URE does not include suitable hooks to rename plugin. FYI, I do not appreciate this.

    Yes, if you will replace plugin name directly in the plugin source code, the changes will be overwritten every time you will install updated version.

    in reply to: How can i hide woocommerce orders based on role? #7710

    I successfully tested custom code for your scenario with URE Pro edit restrictions add-on activated together:
    1) Activate edit restrictions add-on.
    2) Install code below as a Must Use plugin or add it to the active theme functions.php file:

    add_filter('ure_post_edit_access_authors_list', 'ure_modify_authors_list', 10, 1);
    function get_orders_manager_users() {
        global $wpdb;
        $role = 'sales_agent';
        $where = $wpdb->prepare( 'meta_value LIKE %s', '%'. $wpdb->esc_like( '"' . $role . '"' ) .'%' );
        $query = "SELECT user_id FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE $where";
        $result = $wpdb->get_results( $query ); 
        if ( empty( $result ) ) {
            return '';
        $users_list = array();
        foreach( $result as $user ) {
            $users_list[] = $user->user_id;
        return $users_list;
    function ure_modify_authors_list( $authors ) {
        $user = wp_get_current_user();
        if ( !in_array( 'sales_agent', $user->roles ) ) {
            return $authors;
        $users_list = get_orders_manager_users();
        $authors1 = implode(',', $users_list );
        if ( !empty( $authors ) ) {
            $authors .= ','. $authors;
        } else {
            $authors = $authors1;
        return $authors;

    As a result any user with sales_agent role will be restricted in orders editing by authors list equal the list of users with the sales_agent role.

    in reply to: URE updates for users without control of settings #7709

    If you pre-install URE to the site, input the license key or add it to WordPress configuration via PHP constant, like below:

    // User Role Editor Pro License Code
    define('URE_LICENSE_KEY', '5ae21 ... a75de');

    and use has permissions to update plugins (update_plugins), there is not need to have access to URE settings. Such user will can install URE updates via ‘Dashboard->UPdates’ with any other plugin update together.


    We still want them to be able to install, activate, deactivate and delete any plugins they choose to use.

    You have to take into account that person who can install any plugin (PHP code) to the site can get superuser privileges in a minute. There is no sense to restrict such person via WordPress, as he can get access to any resource via PHP.

    If exclude ability to install new plugins, or security problem is not important in this case, as finally site owner is responsible for what he is doing, you can use URE Pro add-on, which allows to restrict the list of installed plugins which are available to the user for activation/deactivation.

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