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  • in reply to: Media Library #7665

    As I remember any who can edit Gravity form, can export its entries.
    Btw., URE includes “GF edit restrictions” add-on, which allows to restrict the list of forms available to a user. Plus, such user will can export entries only for the allowed forms.

    in reply to: Media Library #7664

    Go to the “Posts->All”. The 2nd column in a view is “Author”. Find a post, created via Gravity Forms, which you wish allow to edit to some user. Are all created from the same user? Point by mouse to the user name at the “Author” column. You will see the user ID at the link, like 20 here: wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=post&author=20

    Then you can use “edit restrictions” add-on and input to your user profile the author ID:
    section “Posts/Pages/Custom Post Types Editor Restrictions”, field “with author user ID (comma separated)”.

    in reply to: Media Library #7662

    Is “gravityforms_export_entries” capability shown turned ON even after your turn it OFF and update the role?

    in reply to: Media Library #7661

    2. Look, what user(s) is the author of post created by Gravity Forms. Add user ID to the list of authors which post you allow to edit for this user.


    Hello Mike,

    This option is useful when site has few custom post types protected by the same (default) capability type (post): edit_posts, delete_posts, etc., but some users should have access to the subset of such post types only. When you turn this option ON, custom post type ‘video’ gets permissions: edit_videos, delete_videos instead. And you have to grant those new capabilities to a role or user in order provide access to this post type.

    in reply to: Conflict with Oasis Workflow? #7652

    User “Alana Woody” is not restricted by URE as she is not included into SBU004 analytics group. I don’t think that URE is related here.

    Btw., can you provide step by step scenario in order to repeat this?

    in reply to: Conflict with Oasis Workflow? #7649


    Test the updated version. My test at was finished successfully.

    As a result of my investigations, I replaced code extracting pages list with SBU004 analytics group from the WP API to the direct SQL command, which will not exclude from the result the pages with post_status related to Oasis Workflow plugin, etc.

    in reply to: Conflict with Oasis Workflow? #7648


    Thank you for the patience. Give me few days more. I will try to get the final conclusion on the issue to the next Monday.

    in reply to: Conflict with Oasis Workflow? #7645


    Unfortunately, I did not find a solution for today. I will make the few tries more though.

    in reply to: Conflict with Oasis Workflow? #7642

    I found that “Advance Custom Fields” plugin stores its custom fields data as the custom post type ‘acf-field’. This may be a problem, why some of revisioned values of such fields were not available when URE applied edit restrictions by the list of the post ID, as ‘acf-field’ custom post type was not included into the list of records available for the current user.

    I added ‘acf-field’ custom post type to the arguments list of the code at your functions.php file:

    $posts = get_posts(array(
    	'numberposts'	=> -1,
    	'post_type'		=> array('tribe_events','page','revision','acf-field'),
    	'post_status'   => 'any',
    	'meta_query'	=> array(
    		'relation'		=> 'OR',
    			'key'	 	=> 'analytics_group_name',
    			'value'	  	=> $ag,
    			'compare' 	=> 'IN',

    As you use revisions, I added revision post type too and replaced post status to ‘any’ (revision has ‘inherit’ post status’).

    Restricted user sees the latest content now at my test site. Make a new test at your own.

    in reply to: Conflict with Oasis Workflow? #7639

    I reproduced and investigate now some of the described problems with content versioning/revisions.

    The conflict takes place between code which restricts edit access by pages ID list and Advanced Custom Fields which shows the latest content for the ‘draft’ page, when the edit restrictions were switched off, and shows some older cached content when edit restrictions are active.

    I did not find solution to the moment and continue working on this problem.

    in reply to: Conflict with Oasis Workflow? #7638

    Thanks for the detailed description. I will try to reproduce and investigate this.

    in reply to: Appearance > Menus hot showing #7635

    “Admin menu” dialog show admin menu items according to the selected role permissions. In order to see “Appearance” menu there role should can at least “edit_theme_options”.



    , what do you see at the subsite “Admin menu” when you open it for the same role, no any checkboxes selected?

    If that’s applicable, you may send superadmin credentials to support [at-sign], I will look what is going wrong.

    in reply to: Divi Modules for certain roles #7628

    URE Pro does not offer any custom solution to control Divi modules visibility.

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