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  • in reply to: License Usage Count #7145


    Update checking requests with your license key come from the single IP address only, according to my data.

    in reply to: License Usage Count #7137


    There is no such tool for clients.
    More, I do not realize hard control for this currently :). Honest people will count. Others – more often do not buy licenses at all.
    You just have to take into account that license count limit may be introduced at any time.

    I will count your sites in a couple of days after get enough data from update server access logs.

    in reply to: Plugin conflict : stripe and price grid. #7133

    Hi Olivia,

    Look at the “Admin menu access” add-on, included into User Role Editor Pro.
    Use it to find what capabilities protects admin menu items created by ‘Stripe gateway’ and a ‘price grid’ plugins. Open ‘Admin menu’ for administrator role and look.
    If they are protected by ‘manage_options’ you can grant ‘manage_options’ to selected role and then block ‘Settings’ and other unneeded menu items which will become available for this role using “Admin menu” button. The article above includes the link to the similar example.

    in reply to: Too many redirects #7131

    Hi @a-malasi,

    Give me more details. Did you try to isolate a reason?

    Deactivate all plugins except URE. If issue will gone after that, then there is a conflict with some plugin. Activating plugins back one by one and testing you can find which.

    If only URE is responsible for redirection, what settings you made after which it appear? At what path (URL without domain) the redirection takes place? I

    in reply to: php issue – frequent error 500 #7129

    The SQL command ‘SELECT COUNT (*) FROM WHERE creator_id = 11’ really misses db table name just after the ‘FROM’ keyword. It’s a reason to ask support from “Restrict Content Pro” (RCP) plugin developers.

    If you plan to restrict access to the content via RCP plugin, switch off User Role Editor Pro content view restrictions add-on at the URE’s settings. It’s active currently according to your screenshots.

    Try to monitor your site logs with one of plugins deactivated.

    in reply to: Search Pages not working for custom roles #7126

    Try to add code below to the end of your active theme functions.php file:

    // block Posts menu for all users except administrator
        function remove_posts_menu() {
          global $menu, $submenu;
          $user = wp_get_current_user();
          if ( in_array( 'administrator', $user->roles ) ) {
          //remove 'All posts' submenu item
          if ( isset( $submenu['edit.php'][5] ) ) {
          // remove Posts top level menu
          if ( isset( $menu[5] ) ) {
          // redirect in case of try edit.php URL access
          $result = stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'edit.php');
          if ($result===false) {
          $result = stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'post_type=');
          if ($result!==false) {    // allow access to custom post types
          wp_redirect(get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/index.php');
        add_action('admin_head', 'remove_posts_menu', 100);
    in reply to: Trying to lock down to just instapage plugin #7124


    Admin menu access add-on helps with this:

    Block WordPress Admin Menu Items

    If you wish to see full list of administrator menu items open “Admin menu” for the “Administrator” role.
    There is no sense to block menu items for administrator. So checkboxes are unavailable here. It is a very good start point for WordPress menu user permissions study and research. You may use “Admin Menu” dialog here as the reference for your work with roles and capabilities as “Admin Menu” shows what user capability restricts access to what admin menu item including menu items added by active plugins.

    Some plugins use own user capabilities, some plugins use one from WordPress built-in capabilities, like ‘manage_options’, ‘edit_posts’, etc.

    The 1st step is to look what capabilities plugin uses to protect its menu. Open “Admin menu” for the ‘Administrator’ role, find needed menu item and look to the ‘User Capability’ column.
    If you don’t wish a role has access to this menu, revoke from it the related user capabilities. If you can not revoke some capabilities as they are needed for access to other menu items, like ‘edit_posts’ then block unneeded menu items with “Admin menu access” add-on.
    Similar if you need to provide to a role access for some menu item – grant to it the related user capabilities. Then check if it get access to unneeded menu items (like in case when you grant ‘manage_options’ capability) and block unneeded menu items with “Admin menu access” add-on.

    in reply to: Search Pages not working for custom roles #7119

    Thanks you.

    The source of the issue is that admin menu item ‘All Posts’ (edit.php) is prohibited (selected) for the role, but allowed are ‘All Pages’ (edit.php?post_type=page).
    When user try to search some page, URL becomes edit.php?post_type=page&s=something…
    which is not apparently allowed and edit.php is in the list of prohibited URLs. Thus URE fulfills the redirection. The same is similar for other custom post types, URL for which starts from edit.php too.

    Quick workaround is allow for a role ‘All Posts’ menu and submenu items. I tested this for IU administrator role and left as it is for your review.

    Let me know if this workaround is suitable for you. If it is not, I may offer you a piece of code which will hide ‘All Posts’ menu items from admin menu directly after adding to the active theme functions.php file.

    in reply to: php issue – frequent error 500 #7118

    Hi Olivia,

    Does this error occur only in relation of the URE Pro settings page? Are there similar records related to other plugins?
    If such records are generated only from URE’s settings page, can you look at the MySQL server log ( probably /var/log/mysql/error.log ) and find what SQL query leads to the timeout in execution?
    URE reads its settings from and writes to wp_options db table and it should not take much time generally.

    in reply to: Search Pages not working for custom roles #7116

    I assume a conflict with some plugin. If it’s possible to look at this on your site send admin credentials and testing role name to support [at-sign]

    in reply to: Search Pages not working for custom roles #7112


    Do you use “Admin menu access” add-on with “Block not selected” option? If Yes, read carefully the “Technical details” part of the documentation article.


    URE does not know about Learndash groups.
    Learndash courses is the custom post type. URE’s edit restrictions add-on allows to limit user by editing only his data. You can use this option in case you change course’s author to the selected user.
    Other option is to limit edit access inserting post (course) ID list to his user profile.

    in reply to: Give Access for Better Docs plugin to a user. #7108

    With BD Pro look at its settings. It has an option to select which role what to do.

    in reply to: restrict/hide Gutenberg blocks by role #7104

    Hi David!

    Thank you for the detailed explanation. I plan to work in this feature.

    in reply to: Give Access for Better Docs plugin to a user. #7103

    Better Docs (BD) protects its admin menu items using this user capabilities by default:
    BetterDocs – edit_posts
    All Docs – edit_posts
    Add New – edit_posts
    Categories – delete_others_posts
    Tags – delete_others_posts
    Quick Setup – delete_users
    Settings – administrator

    It’s possible to replace the default capabilities using custom filters. Look below which filters BD plugin uses for this purpose:

    $betterdocs_articles_caps = apply_filters( 'betterdocs_articles_caps', 'edit_posts', 'article_roles' );
    		$betterdocs_terms_caps = apply_filters( 'betterdocs_terms_caps', 'delete_others_posts', 'article_roles' );
    		$betterdocs_settings_caps = apply_filters( 'betterdocs_settings_caps', 'administrator', 'settings_roles' );
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