Forum Replies Created
Try deactivate URE plugin and activate it back. It automatically grants all own permissions to administrator role on activation.
20/03/2023 at 04:42 in reply to: Block Content View Restrictions on Categories and Tags for Editor role #8226Vladimir
KeymasterThank you for this bug report.
Quick fix: open user-role-editor-pro/pro/includes/classes/content-view-restrictions.php file, go to line #89 and insert this code:
if ( !current_user_can( self::VIEW_POSTS_ACCESS_CAP ) ) {
return false;
The resulting version should be:
public function do_on_init() {$this->plugins_compatibility();
if ( !current_user_can( self::VIEW_POSTS_ACCESS_CAP ) ) {
return false;
}// Do not move to action executed earlier!
// WooCommerce registers its taxonomies using 'init' action. So we should execute code only after it
$taxonomies = get_taxonomies(
foreach( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
add_action( "{$taxonomy}_edit_form", array('URE_Content_View_Restrictions_Editor', 'render_term_box') );
add_action( "edited_{$taxonomy}", array('URE_Content_View_Restrictions_Editor', 'save_term_meta_data') );
// end of add_init_hooks()
I included this fix to the coming version update.
20/03/2023 at 03:59 in reply to: Allowing non-admins to manage custom type taxonomies/categories #8225Vladimir
For example you have CPT ‘staff’. With the “Force custom post types to use their own capabilities” option turned ON, it’s custom term related permissions are changed to
‘assign_staff_terms’ – allow to select category checkboxes at the CPT edit page
‘edit_staff_terms’ – allow to use ‘Add new category’ link at the custom categories meta box.
Try to find these capabilities between ‘Custom capabilities’ group and grant to a selected role.Vladimir
Revoke from a role ‘edit_product_terms’ capability.
Screenshot was made from a free version of URE. You may see this at the “About” tab. Look at the plugins list what version of URE is active. Deactivate free version and activate Pro one instead.
KeymasterBtw., there is no item with ‘xls’ key in the list of allowed mime types. You should use this one instead:
unset( $mime_types['xla|xls|xlt|xlw'']
Full list of mime types allowed at WP by default is available here.
Is it a single or multisite WordPress installation?
KeymasterURE does not make any redirection itself in this case. It should exclude link from any WP listings and searches. So visitor trying to open the link should get “not found” message or 404 page provided by active theme settings. Does it work this way in your case?
KeymasterAccording to the LD source code, Group Leader role has these capabilities by default:
If show the Group Leader user in the Authors selector shown on the post editor, add
‘level_0’ only.Vladimir
KeymasterWith role restricted by “Admin menu” access I received required access for a user
I tested with older LearnDash version though. If you have newer one, you may share it via Google Drive or DropBox with support [at], in order I can make more exact test.Vladimir
KeymasterTry, Admin menu access add-on and block unneeded menu items for selected role.
KeymasterDoes ‘prevent from seeing’ mean, when editing, or viewing at front-end?
This behavior is not wanted. It’s related to something special in your production environment. There is no difference for URE which role capabilities to request from server.
Would it by some security plugin, etc. Try deactivate all plugins temporally except URE, if possible. Will it resolve the issue?
If you can repeat this at a stage copy of the production setup, I may try to help investigate this.Vladimir
KeymasterHi Tobias,
Profile menu item is available even to a user with ‘subscriber’ role, which has only ‘read’ capability. If this menu item is not available for your users, some plugin blocks it.
You may try deactivate them all, test, then activate plugins back one by one with new testing to isolate a reason. -