Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi Vladimir,
I apologize, I’m not sure I completely understand your English. Is there an “All” field you are referring to?
I was referring to Posts Edit Access at the role level, under “with category/taxonomy ID (comma separated)” should have a handful of IDs, or maybe just 2 since I was testing.
I checked, and we do have this in the wp_config.php file:
define(‘WPE_GOVERNOR’, false);
for the main site was working on a stage/local copy, yes. I also saw that line in the wp_config.php file as well.
Let me know if that didn’t answer your question. Thanks!
ParticipantDone. Thank you.
ParticipantHi Vladimir,
This issue seems to be cropping up again. I have a user in the URE user role ECD Curator, and she can’t see any posts when I Prohibit taxonomy terms on Division Access taxonomy (96, 97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 105, 137, 1640) excepting ECD (100). This Prohibition occurs at the role level. User level is set to look at roles.
Here are the number of All Posts in each taxonomy term for Division Access tax:
3217 Posts Total
3067 Posts in 98
1 Post in 97
83 Posts in 100
0 Posts in 102
48 Posts in 103
3 Posts in 105
5 Posts in 1640
0 Posts in 137
0 Posts in 101
4 Posts in 96When I prohibit only tax term ID 98, her post count shows All (150), but no posts are showing. When she clicks Published (140), then she can see 140 post items. What it says appears accurate, what it shows doesn’t.
When I prohibit both 98, 137, the Posts screen says
All(147) Mine(12) Published(140) Trash(2) Draft(10)
However, actual post items shown varies. In this case, it is: All shows no posts, Mine shows no posts, Published shows 140 items, Trash 2, and Draft 10. What All says appears inaccurate, 3217 – 3067 – 0 = 150 posts, not 147.
In other cases, All shows only 10 items, no matter what it says there should be.
When I prohibit both 98, 105 the Posts screen says
All(147) Mine(12) Published(137) Trash(2) Draft(10)
All shows 10 items, Mine shows none, Published shows 140 items, Trash 2, and Draft 10. The number 147 appears to be accurate.When I prohibit both 98, 1640 the Posts screen says All(146) but only shows 10 of 10 items. The number 146 appears to be inaccurate, 3217 – 3067 – 5 = 145 posts, not 146.
When I prohibit both 98, 96 the Posts screen says All(146) but only shows 8 of 8 items. The number 146 appears to be accurate.
When I prohibit both 98, 102 the Posts screen says All(150) but only shows 10 of 10 items. The number 150 appears to be accurate.
In yet a third case, no posts show at all, and the options to select Published, Draft, or Trash are gone.
Prohibit 98, 101, and Posts screen shows All(0), showing no items. There should be 150 posts showing.
Prohibit 98, 103, and Posts screen shows All(0), showing no items. There should be 102 posts showing.When I disable all plugins except URE, everything is the same as above except:
When prohibit 98, All shows 150 items (and says All(150)).
When prohibit 98, 102, All shows 150 items (and says All(150)).
When prohibit 98, 137, All says 150 (but shows no posts).
When prohibit 98, 105, All shows no items (but still says All(147)).
When prohibit 98, 1640, All shows no items (but still says All(146)).
When prohibit 98, 96, All shows no items (but still says All(146)).It seems to follow no pattern.
Please advise.
ParticipantPerfect, that solved the parent/child issue! Thanks again for your wonderful help on this difficult problem for me.
Yes, you might want to research that issue, although it could make sense from the standpoint of when one term is Allowed, all other tax/tag/cat terms are hidden. In my case, I would want if one term is allowed, posts in that term are allowed, and all other tag/tax/cats are able to be used by that user for post/page categorization purposes. I would also want that posts can be in multiple terms to show up for multiple divisions.
But anyway, everything seems to be working great for what I need right now.
Thanks again for all your time and help!WesleyanHQ
Participant@vladimir, thank you thank you! It appears to be working now with your suggestion to the wp-config.php! Very much appreciate your effort toward this issue.
I do see that child pages take on the restrictions of their parent. Not sure if that would be a bug or feature request. Should I open a separate thread for it?
ParticipantAw, that is a bummer to waste both of our time. Thanks for seeing the issue though! I will add code to wp-config.php file and test again.
Wouldn’t the list be just as long with Allow? I would be adding a lot more IDs to the list: all the tags, all the categories, and the one taxonomy term in Curator Access taxonomy. I already tried adding the tax. term only, which hid all the categories and tags in WP post edit screen. Not cool!
ParticipantI tried again, and get the same response.
Hmm, the staging site wouldn’t have caching. Is there a limit on the number of characters that can go in the Users > User Role Editor > [role] > Posts Edit > Access with category taxonomy IDs?
ParticipantVladimir, also here is the exact list of Taxonomy IDs that are Prohibited:
96, 97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 105, 137, 1640
For some reason, it seems to work okay with just:
96, 97, 98, 101, 102, 105, 137, 1640
except of course, posts in 103 taxonomy also show up.
We have pages, posts, and a CPT called tribe_events that all use these taxonomy terms. Could that be causing the issue? I’m stumped.
ParticipantHello Vladimir,
I seem to be having the same problem again. Using User Role Editor, I created a role “ECD Curator”. At role level, I prohibited taxonomy IDs. No posts show up in the Edit screen, even author’s own posts. The nav shows All (68) Published (66) etc.
Please advise.
ParticipantThank you! The only thing that doesn’t appear to work is Sticky. If I have a Sticky post, it disregards the Curator Access term, and automatically shows it without the Curator Access term.
ParticipantI didn’t see your response right away because it was on the second page, I apologize.
I really appreciate your help on this, too! And thanks for the added month!
Yes, test user Jane looks correct now! I see what you mean, with the non-categorized showing up. I plan to assign them to Admin Access Only, so that will be taken care of. It looks like the test site is working. Now how to update the real site? Will you push out an update or could I change the code somewhere?
ParticipantTo answer your very first question, I checked direct urls, and the Jane Doe user in the test webstie can access posts in GTO, while non-GTO posts are prohibited with a message, “Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this item.” BUT, access to those posts are not showing in the wp-admin Posts screen, which presents a huge problem, as already indicated.
ParticipantHi Vladimir, Thanks for showing me the screenshot of the test user in your own testing environment. I wanted to make sure you saw my email that your screenshot did not actually show the correct access. I’m looking for the user to have access only to GTO posts/pages/etc. Your screenshot showed access to all 86 posts. Can you confirm?
ParticipantOkay, test site access and issue with curator role access emailed. Let me know if you need anything else to test. Thanks!
ParticipantThanks for the mention. I plan to test without plugins and with default theme, then setup a test site with the issue. It will probably be end of day before I send the update for you. Thanks for your help thus far!