User Role Editor Pro version 4.57

User Role Editor Pro version 4.57 was published at August 11, 2020. Changes list follows as usual.

Changes List

Core version: 4.56

  • Core version was updated to 4.56
  • New: Frond-end menu access add-on: default option “Show to” was extended to the selection between “Show to” and “Hide from” (If UI does not work as expected, force browser page refresh in order to load the latest version of front-end-menu-access.js).
  • Update: Admin menu access add-on: empty menu/submenu items are removed automatically.
  • Fix: Other roles access add-on: ‘+’ was replaced with ‘.’ in string concatenation expression.
  • Update: minor code updates/optimizations.
  • Core version was updated to 4.56:
  • New: User capabilities ‘install_languages’, ‘resume_plugins’, ‘resume_themes’, ‘view_site_health_checks’ were added to the list of supported WordPress built-in user capabilities.
  • Update: Single site WordPress installation: URE automatically grants all existing user capabilities to WordPress built-in ‘administrator’ role before opening its page “Users->User Role Editor”.
  • Fix: Extra slash was removed between URE_PLUGIN_URL and the image resource when outputting URE_PLUGIN_URL .’/images/ajax-loader.gif’ at ‘Users->User Role Editor’ page.
  • Info: Marked as compatible with WordPress 5.5.